
Hilton Valentine, chitaristul grupului Animals, a murit la 77 de ani

Cântecul „The House of the Rising Sun” a ocupat primele locuri în topurile din Marea Britanie şi SUA în 1964. Casa de discuri ABKCO Music l-a descris pe Valentine drept un „ pionier care a influenţat sunetul rock and roll-ului din deceniile următoare”. Valentine a fondat Animals în Newcastle, în 1963, alături de vocalistul Eric […]

Romania Farming Agency Received RON365M For Payments In Animal Husbandry Sector

Romania’s Agriculture Ministry assigned to the Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA) the first tranche of 365 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2955) for national complementary direct payments in the animal husbandry sector, the ministry said in a press release.

Romanian Govt Ups Fines Ten Times For Farmers Failing To Report Sick Animals

The Romanian government approved a decision hiking ten times fines, which range from 3,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.2955) to RON6,000, for farmers failing to inform veterinarians, within maximum 48 hours, on suspicions of disease, death or culling of sick animals and failing to isolate sick animals.

Romania In EU Top Ten According To Livestock Numbers In ‘07

Romania ranked among the top ten countries in the E.U. by number of cattle and swine in 2007, the Romanian Statistical Institute, or INS, said Tuesday.

Romanian Senate Enacts Animal Protection Law

The Romanian Senate enacted Wednesday a law on the management program of pets, stipulating fines of up to RON2500 for owners who leave their dogs unsupervised in public spaces and the creation of a national animal identification system.

Romanian Senators Unanimously Enact Animal Protection Law

Romanian senators unanimously enacted Tuesday a draft law on animal protection, considering how much Romanians love animals and even give pet names to their cattle.