anti crisis

The Romanian Anti-Crisis Plan Is Vague, Lacking In Foundation – Analysts

The anti-crisis measures proposed by the Romanian governing coalition are too vague, since they do not quantify budget efforts and the effects of each action, and the impact on the economy could be relatively reduced, according to analysts contacted by MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Democrat Liberals Propose 37 Anti-Crisis Measures

Romanian economy minister Adriean Videanu presented Sunday in a press conference the anti-crisis measures proposed by his party, such as the widening of de minimis aid for small and medium sized companies (SMEs), adding 37 measures have been found and will be discussed in the Government coalition.

Romanian Social Democrat Official Calls On Govt To Take Urgent Anti-Crisis Measures

Romanian social democrat lawmaker Viorel Hrebenciuc on Sunday said Romania risks facing an economic and social sideslip in the autumn unless the government takes urgent anti-crisis measures to prevent that.

Romanian Employers Present Govt With “Anti-Crisis Decalogue”

Romanian employer representatives set the Government a "Decalogue of Anti-Crisis Measures," stating Romania’s economy is ill and needs "investment transfusions", employer representatives said after the meeting at the Government.