
ArcelorMittal Galaţi iniţiază noi programe de plecări voluntare ale angajaţilor

ArcelorMittal Galaţi a anunţat, joi, printr-un comunicat de presă, deschiderea unor noi scheme de plecări voluntare ale angajaţilor din combinat, oficialii companiei susţinând că astfel se va menţine competitivitatea unităţii siderurgice gălăţene.

ArcelorMittal Deals “Unfair Blow” To Romanian Business – Harbor Admins

Romanian harbors and navigable channels authorities said steel processor ArcelorMittal deals a "clearly unfair blow" to Romanian business since it stopped working with Comvex and chose to run raw material transports through the four times more expensive and slower Burgas harbor in Bulgaria.

Romanian Steel Pipe Mkr ArcelorMittal Unionists Protest Against Labor Min

Some dozens of representatives of the Romanian Solidaritatea Union within steel pipe maker processor ArcelorMittal Galati gathered Thursday morning in front of the Ministry of Labor, where they organized a protest expected to be joined by some 400 unionists.