auto industry

Romania’s Clunkers Program Has Served Goal To Back Local Auto Industry – PM

Romania’s car park renewal program, in which the government pays people to scrap their old cars and buy new ones, has served its purpose to support the local car industry as more than half of new cars sold were made locally, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday.

Strategiile anti-criză din industria auto, la Mediafax Talks about Auto Industry

Strategiile anti-criză adoptate de companiile de pe piaţa auto în 2009 vor fi analizate la conferinţa Mediafax Talks about Auto Industry, pe care Mediafax o organizează în parteneriat cu Asociaţia Producătorilor şi Importatorilor de Automobile (APIA) joi, 12 martie, la Hotel Howard Johnson.

Romanian Auto Cos To Hike Post-Sale Service Tariffs To Maintain Profits – Official

Romanian automotive companies will turn to post-sale services to maintain their profits and operating margins, to deal with a market that is near a standstill, the Automotive Manufacturers and Importers Association, or APIA, said Monday.