
Operaţiunea „Avalanche”- destructurarea celei mai mari reţele de atacuri informatice la nivel mondial

Poliţia Română, în colaborarea cu autorităţile din alte 29 de state, a participat la operaţiunea "Avalanche", în urma căreia a fost blocată cea mai amplă reţea de calculatoare prin care erau trimise atacuri informatice, zilnic, la peste 500.000 de computere la nivel mondial, anunţă IGPR.

Romanian Mountain Rescuer Caught In Avalanche In C Romania Found Dead

A 30-year-old mountain rescuer caught in an avalanche Saturday afternoon while he was skiing in Fagaras Mountains was found dead Sunday, mountain rescuers said.

Avalanche Risks In Romanian Mountains

The Romanian Ministry of Environment warns that there is the risk of avalanches in the next two days on the Fagaras Mountains, and the same risk is present in the Bucegi mountains at altitudes of over 1,800 meters, because of the warming weather and the rain.

Romanian Gendarmerie To Use Dogs In Avalanche Search And Rescue

The first nine dogs trained in avalanche victim search and rescue will enter service with the Romanian Gendarmerie starting with next Friday, after being trained for five weeks in the Sinaia Gendarmerie Training Center.