
Aviation Academy Helicopter Crashes in Prahova County, No Victims

A Robinson 22-type small helicopter belonging to the Romanian Aviation Academy was involved in an incident on the Strejnic Airdrome in Prahova county, resulting in the destruction of the aircraft but with no victims, according to Romania’s Transport Ministry.

CONFERINŢA „Mediafax Talks about Aviation”: Principalele declaraţii de la eveniment

Agenţia de presă Mediafax a organizat cea de a doua ediţie a conferinţei "Mediafax Talks about Aviation" - cel mai important eveniment dedicat comunităţii aviatice din România.

Romania May Be Under New Aviation Code Red As Of Wednesday Morning

Romania may fall under a code red for aviation again, starting Wednesday morning, according to recent information on the status of the plume of volcanic ash, published by the Environment Ministry.

Blast Hazard In SW Romanian Danube Port Drobeta Turnu Severin

Traffic was resumed Saturday afternoon in the southwestern Romanian Danube port in Drobeta Turnu Severin after firefighters managed to safely remove the bomb found at the anchor of a barge.