
Disidentul rus Alexei Navalnîi critică Twitter după ce a blocat contul lui Trump: „Acest precedent va fi exploatat de duşmanii libertăţii de exprimare din întreaga lume”

Alexei Navalnîi a spus că precedentul creat prin blocarea permenentă a lui Trump  va fi exploatat de duşmanii libertăţii de exprimare din întreaga lume. Politicianul rus de opoziţie, Alexei Navalnîi, a criticat sâmbătă Twitter pentru blocarea preşedintelui american Donald Trump de pe platforma socială după asaltul de miercuri de la Capitoliu. Într-un serie de postări […]

Un bărbat a jefuit o bancă, apoi a aruncat banii în aer strigând „Crăciun fericit!”

Un bărbat cu barba albă a jefuit o bancă din Colorado, cu două zile înainte de Crăciun. Ce a făcut apoi cu banii i-a uimit pe oameni, a relatat BBC.

Ban Ki-moon candidează pentru un nou mandat la conducerea ONU

Secretarul general al ONU, Ban Ki-moon, şi-a anunţat luni candidatura pentru un nou mandat de cinci ani la conducerea Organizaţiei Naţiunilor Unite.

Romanian MP Investigated For Corruption Under Travel Ban

Romanian democrat liberal MP Dan Pasat, who is being investigated on charges of blackmail, was placed under a travel ban.

Romanian Pharmacies May Issue Algocalmin Without Prescription Until April 1

Romanian pharmacies may issue algocalmin and other drugs containing metamizole without prescription only until April 1, although some producers are authorized to sell these products as prescription-only as of February.

Bucharest Authorities Ban „Legal High” Shops Located Near Schools, Hospitals

Shops selling products made from hallucinogenic plants and located within 1.5 km of a school, dorm, hospital, church or train station have been banned in Bucharest, as per a decision by the city's council.

Romanian PM Bans Ministers From Speaking Publicly On Topics Without Govt Approval

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Tuesday the finance minister’s public statements about the introduction of a progressive taxation system as of next year was not considered and approved by the Government and banned ministers from speaking publicly about unapproved issues.

Romania Supreme Court Allows Omar Hayssam’s Criminal Associates To Leave Country

Romania’s Supreme Court Tuesday evening ruled that Omar Mukhles and Omar Mahmoud, brothers of Syrian terrorism convict Omar Hayssam, as well as Mustafa Tartoussi, owner of Iman T cargo ship Hayssam allegedly used to flee Romania, are free to leave the country.

Romanian Supreme Court Overrules Fmr Judge’s Complaint Against Travel Ban

The Romanian High Court of Justice Friday overruled former judge Florin Costiniu’s complaint against the anticorruption department’s decision to extend his interdiction to leave the country.

Romanian Senate Passes Bill Outlawing Sale Of Psychoactive Plants

Romania’s Senate on Thursday enacted a Government bill banning the sale of psychoactive plants, consumed as recreational drugs, and the bill now needs approval from the Chamber of Deputies to become law.

Romanian Ban On Pension-Wage Cumulus May Be Lifted On Jan 1, ‘11

Romanian Labor Minister Mihai Seitan said Wednesday in the Senate labor committee that the ban on the pension – wage cumulus may be lifted on January 1, 2011, adding this measure “was not imposed forever”.

Romania To Ban Sale Of Alcoholic Drinks, Tobacco In Duty-Free Shops Within 45 Days

Companies that sell goods in duty-free shops have 45 days to exhaust their stocks of distilled alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, following an order of the Romanian finance minister effective as of February 12.

Romania Bans Sale, Consumption Of Hallucinogenic Plants Starting Monday

The decree adopted by Romania’s Government banning the distribution, sale and consumption of ethnobotanical plants with hallucinogenic effects came into effect Monday after it was published in the Official Journal.

Romanian Supreme Court Lifts All Bans For MEP Gigi Becali

The nine-judge panel with Romania’s Supreme Court ruled Friday to lift all bans for Romanian MEP George Becali, investigated on kidnapping charges.

Bucharest City Hall To Ban Graffiti Outside Designated Areas – Draft Decision

Bucharest City Hall proposes banning graffiti outside designated areas unless artists have permission from property owners, to avoid acts of vandalism on buildings, subway stations, phone booths or passageways.

Romania Bans Paid In-Vitro Fertilization, Artificial Insemination Procedures

Romania’s former Health Minister Ion Bazac signed on September 23 an order banning paid in-vitro fertilization and artificial insemination and setting that assisted reproduction procedures fall in the category of human egg trafficking.

Instituţiile publice nu acordă în 2009 tichete de masă

Instituţiile publice nu vor acorda tichete de masă în 2009, iar pensionarii nu vor beneficia de compensarea în bani a tichetelor de călătorie pe calea ferată neutilizate în 2008, a decis Guvernul prin ordonanţă de urgenţă aprobată în ultima şedinţă.