
Romania Ctrl Bank Oct Lombard Lending At RON19.4B

Romanian banks borrowed in October 19.4 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2809) from the central bank through the Lombard facility, 40% more compared with RON13.87 billion borrowed in September, central bank data showed Monday.

IMF: Parent Banks Reaffirm Commitment To Romania

The parent banks of Romania’s top nine lenders on Wednesday reaffirmed their commitment to keep their exposure to the country and ensure capital adequacy levels over 10% for their subsidiaries, the International Monetary Fund said in a statement.

Parent Bks Consider 5% Variation Band To Romania Exposure – Sources

The parent banks of Romania’s top nine lenders, alongside officials of the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission and of Romanian central bank, are considering a 5% variation band to their exposure cap on the Romanian market, participants to the talks told MEDIAFAX Wednesday.

Two Foreign Bks Take Out EUR2B From Romania On Scarce FX Facilities – Sources

Two international lenders have temporarily withdrawn EUR2 billion in capital from the Romanian market recently, because they were unable to invest in short-term foreign currency facilities, people from the central bank told MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Bank Loans Lose Ground With Cos Nearing Flatline, Skeptical People – Bkr

Banks cannot grant loans as companies that need money are “almost dead" and people do not trust the bank system, Credit Europe Bank regional manager Dorothea Nicolae said Friday.

Parent Banks’ Exposure To Romania Down By EUR700M From End-March – Ctrl Bker

The parent banks of Romania’s top nine lenders have honored their commitments undertook in Vienna as regards to the local market, but their exposure to Romania is lower by EUR700 million compared to the end-March level, central bank's first deputy governor Florin Georgescu said Tuesday.

Loans In Romanian Lei Suffocated By High Margins – Ctrl Bker

Romanian banks are smothering the development of loans in Romanian lei with the high margins they apply, which went up to 7.3 percentage points in August from 2.4 pps late last year, central bank’s chief economist Valentin Lazea said Tuesday.

Romanian Bks Need Macroeconomic Adjustment To Lower Rates – Ctrl Bker

Romania’s banking system will not be able to reduce interest rates without a prior macroeconomic adjustment that would lower the inflation and would stabilize the exchange rate, according to Ion Dragulin, head of the central bank’s financial stability department.

Romanian Govt Withdraws Up To EUR280M Guarantees From Bks In “First Home” Program

Romania's Government will withdraw 220-280 million euro guarantees from seven banks that approved no loan or very few loans to buy a house via the “First Home” program, redistributing the funds to other lenders, officials said Friday.

Romania Bankers Willing To Rework Loans For Troubled Clients

Romanian bankers on Tuesday reaffirmed their openness to reset existing corporate loans for clients in temporarily difficulty, to avoid foreclosure on the guarantees submitted.

Bks Risk Helping Clients Too Late – Romanian Ctrl Bk Gov

Banks had exaggerated reactions, although partly motivated, and might decide too late to help their customers, central bank governor Mugur Isarescu said Wednesday.

Romanian Household Lending Likely To Recover In Q3 – Survey

Romanian household lending is likely to pick up the pace in the third quarter, but banks expect a further decrease in corporate loans, according to a central bank survey.

IMF: Parent Bks Pledge To Keep Exposure To Romania

The parent banks of Romania’s top nine lenders have signed last week bilateral agreements to keep exposure to Romania unchanged from March’s level and maintain solvency rates above 10%, the International Monetary Fund said in a statement Monday.

Romanian Govt Mulls Compelling Bks To Answer Loan Applications In 30 Days – Sources

The Romanian Government aims to compel banks to answer loan applications in maximum 30 days, either by amending the legislation in force or by adopting a distinct law for all types of loan applicants, official sources told MEDIAFAX.

No Of Romanians With Overdue Retail Loans Exceeding 30 Days Up 48% YY In May

The number of Romanians with retail loans overdue by more than 30 days rose by 200,000, or 47.7% on the year in May, at around 600,000 people, while overdue loans exceeding 90 days represent 82.4% of the total late payments, of 1.73 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2138), according to central bank data.

Romanian Bks Took RON352M Short-Term Loans From Ctrl Bk In June, Highest In 3 Mos

Romanian lenders borrowed 352 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2138) in June from the central bank BNR through the lending facility, the highest level since March, the central bank said Wednesday.

Romanian PM Calls For Banks’ Fast Response To Loan Requests

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Saturday said he will have talks with the banks’ representatives to ask them to hasten the deadline for responding to companies’ request for loans.

Bks To Take Over Houses In “First House” Program Unless State Pays Loan Guarantee

Banks will take over the houses bought with state-guaranteed loans if the guarantee is not paid by the state, and will no longer be forced to observe certain conditions in the contract, according to the decision on amending “First House” program norms, approved Wednesday by the government.

Romanian Lenders To Meet “First House” Financing Conditions With Parent Bks Funding – Ctrl Bker

The Romanian banks could meet the financing conditions asked by the Finance Ministry in the "First House" program only if they get large funds at low costs from the parent banks, the central bank’s Financial Stability Unit Ion Dragulin said Thursday.

Bks Would Probably Restart Lending Competition Soon – Romanian Bks Assoc Head

Romanian banks would probably restart the lending competition soon, for attracting as many clients as possible, Thursday said Radu Ghetea, president of the Romanian Banks Association.

Romanian PM Repeats Threat To Bks Withdrawing Funds

Prime Minister Emil Boc on Friday reiterated his threat to banks that would not keep their financing lines in Romania, by saying the government can apply harsh fiscal policies if lenders do not support the local economy, though he hopes such measures won't be needed.

Romanian Ctrl Bk Adviser: Lenders Hiked Interests Following The Market

Romania’s Competition Council is wrong in its allegation that banks have agreed on fixing interest rates, as the rate increases were caused by a market phenomenon called "prices sympathy”, said Wednesday Adrian Vasilescu, an adviser of the central bank’s governor Mugur Isarescu.

Romanian Govt To Set Max Rates, Fees In „First House” Program

The Romanian government will set maximum interest rates and fees for banks to take part in the “First House” program, and the client who buys a dwelling that costs more than EUR60,000 will have to pay the difference out of its own funds, banking sources told MEDIAFAX Tuesday.

Romanian Lenders Start Cutting Interest Rates – Bks Assoc Head

Romania’s President and other statesmen will soon find out that banks do the proper thing and cut interest rates for deposits, a move that will be followed by loan interest cuts and the lending revival, the Romanian Banking Association ARB president Radu Ghetea said Friday.

Romanian Pres Says He Won’t Support Banks Until They Lower Interest Rates

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Friday he will no longer support banks unless they resume lending and lower their "outrageously" high interest rates.

Romanian Pres Not Happy With Banks’ Activity

Romania’s president Traian Basescu said late Wednesday the banks’ reaction is not satisfactory and correct, adding he awaits “dynamism and courage” and also lower interest rates.

Romanian President To Meet Bankers On Wednesday – Sources

Romanian President Traian Basescu will meet on Wednesday with representatives of the central bank, of the Romanian Association of Banks and of major banks on the market, official sources told MEDIAFAX Tuesday.

Romanian Ctrl Bk Gov Assures Bks On State Guarantee Benefits

Romanian central bank’s governor Mugur Isarescu Thursday assured banks' representatives willing to take part in the government's “First Home” program that the state guarantees will be granted immediately if clients do not pay their installments.

Romania’s Govt Extends SMEs Guarantee Fund’s Object Of Activity For „First Home” Proj

Romania’s Government extended object of activity for the National Fund Guaranteeing Loans of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises’ by emergency ordinance, so that it may also guarantee mortgage loans for the “First Home” project, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday.

Head Of Romanian Bk Assoc Sees „First Home” Program As First Step To Lending Revival

The “First Home” program is a first step to lending revival and will also support housing constructions and re-launch the activity of hundreds of real estate agencies, Romanian Banks Association ARB president Radu Ghetea said Wednesday.

Romanian Ctrl Bk Should Amend Norms To Revive Lending – Bks Assoc

Romania's central bank should amend household lending norms to restart financing on this market segment, also bearing in mind also the government’s "First Home" program, Radu Ghetea, the president of Romanian Banks Association ARB, said Tuesday.

Romania’s Over-Taxation To Enstrange Foreign Bks – Ctrl Bker

Applying a “Robin Hood” tax in Romania, namely the over-taxation of bank profits is not a right option as it would estrange foreign bank even more and would infringe free movement of capital rules, central bank’s chief economist Valentin Lazea said Friday.

Radu Ghetea To Be Re-Elected President Of Romanian Bk Assoc – Sources

Radu Ghetea will be re-elected Thursday as president of the Romanian Banking Association, or ARB, for the fourth consecutive mandate, as many bankers told MEDIAFAX a change in the association’s management is not opportune in times of crisis.

Romania Faces No Systemic Risk In Bk Sector – Ctrl Bker

Romania faces no systemic risks in the banking sector, and potential problems of certain lenders will be solved by recapitalization, but not from public funds, central bank's chief economist Valentin Lazea said Wednesday.

Parent Bks To Ink Bilateral Agreements With Romanian Ctrl Bk In 30 Days

The parent banks of the main nine lenders in Romania will sign, in maximum 30 days, bilateral agreements with the National Bank of Romania on keeping the financing lines at the value from the end of March.

Potential Bks Over-Taxation Is Proof That Govt Mulls Keeping Funds In Romania – PM

The potential over-taxation of the profits obtained by foreign banks in Romania was mentioned as a sign that the government wants the money to remain in the country, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Tuesday, adding the authorities count on the partnership inked with the lenders.

Foreign Bks’ Pft In Romania To Be Overtaxed If Financing Lines Aren’t Kept – PM

The Romanian government will implement tougher measures, like over-taxing the profits obtained by foreign banks in Romania, if they do not keep their financing lines in the country, breaking thus the agreement reached in March in Vienna, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Tuesday.

Romanian Bancpost CEO: Keeping Banking System Liquid, Solvent Is A Priority

Mihai Bogza, CEO of Romanian lender Bancpost, told Mediafax that keeping the banking system liquid and solvent is a priority in times of economic crisis, adding that profit increase, although important, come second.

Romanian Pres: Banks Deemed Willing To Partner Up With Govt, But Little Changes So Far

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Tuesday he asked local banks to partner up with the Government, to which the lenders responded positively but they came up with almost nothing so far.

Romanian Bks Want Insolvency Rules Amending

Romanian banks want the amending of the insolvency legislation in order to limit the cases in which a creditor could ask for the insolvency of a company for debt non-payment, as the lenders are forced to book provisions or even start the debtor's foreclosure.