
Kate Winslet şi-a botezat băieţelul Bear

Actriţa Kate Winslet, recompensată cu premiul Oscar pentru rolul din "Cititorul/ The Reader", şi soţul ei, omul de afaceri Ned Rocknroll, au ales prenumele Bear (Urs, n.r.) pentru băieţelul lor, născut pe 7 decembrie.

Czech Tourist Attacked By Bear In C Romanian Mountains

A Czech tourist was admitted to the hospital in Romania’s mountain resort of Sinaia, after he was attacked by a bear Monday night while descending onto the Caraiman Valley.

German Tourist Attacked By Bear Central Romania

A bear attacked a group of three German tourists in Bucegi Mountains, central Romania, severely wounding a man while he was asleep, mountain rescuers said Thursday.

Man Ripped To Pieces By Bear In Central Romania

The dead body of a man, supposedly ripped to pieces by a bear, was found Friday morning, around 9:00 local time, on an alley in the central Romanian city of Brasov.

Tranquilized Bear Stuck On Rooftop Central Romania

A female bear was stuck for about two hours on a rooftop Thursday morning in Brasov, central Romania, after it was sedated by an intervention team.