
Klaus Iohannis has signed the law that provides for higher fines for false calls to 112 number

President Klaus Iohannis, on Tuesday, has signed into law the provisions which increase the penalties for false or abusive calls to the unique emergency number. Thus, the fines reach 4.000 lei, and if the deed is repeated to 8.000 lei.

The Justice System Cannot Undergo Reform Against Itself, Says Romanian President

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said Friday in Tallinn that representatives of the justice system have to rediscuss the justice laws amendment bill and that the justice system cannot undergo a reform against itself.

Romanian Health Ministry Honorific Adviser Dismissed Two Days After Appointment

Tudor Ciuhodaru was released Thursday from the position of honorific adviser with the Romanian Health Ministry, two days after appointment, ministry spokeswoman Oana Grigore told MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Healthcare Bill: Organ Harvesting Forbidden Without Prior Consent

Organ harvesting is allowed only if people consented to having their organs removed after death for transplantation to another recipient, or if the family of the deceased assents to the procedure, according to Romania’s new healthcare bill.

Romanian Doctors May Not Reject Patients Over Ethnicity, Religion, Sexual Orientation

Romanian medical personnel is obligated to provide consultation only to someone previously accepted as a patient, but may not reject a person on grounds of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or other criteria of discrimination prohibited by law, says the new healthcare bill.

Romanian Interior Ministry Proposes Holding Local, Parliament Elections Simultaneously

Romania's Ministry of Interior has proposed holding the elections for local authorities and for the Parliament at the same time, arguing that this would reduce the total cost from EUR43 million to around EUR22 million.

Romanian MPs Tacitly Adopt Bill Allowing Secret Service To Conduct Criminal Investigations

Romania’s Chamber of Deputies on Thursday failed to secure the necessary quorum to debate and vote on a bill that allows secret services to conduct criminal investigations and the bill was adopted tacitly.

Romanian Senate Tacitly Adopts Postal Voting Bill

The Romanian Senate on Monday adopted tacitly a bill introducing postal voting for Romanians abroad, which was put forward by several ruling democrat liberal lawmakers.

Romanian Car Repair Shops Might Have To Let Customers Watch

Romanian auto repair shops might be required to allow their customers to watch the work being done to their vehicles, according to a bill to be debated next week by the Parliament, democrat liberal deputy Adrian Badulescu said Wednesday.

Romanian Senate Rejects Bill On Internet Pornography

The Romanian Senate on Tuesday rejected a bill preventing and fighting internet pornography, as the draft normative act did not garner sufficient votes for approval.

Romanian Lower Chamber Rejects Bill Renaming Roma People „Gypsies”

Romania's Chamber of Deputies on Tuesday rejected the bill proposing to replace the term "Roma" with "gypsy," put forward by democrat liberal Silviu Prigoana.

Romanian Lower Chamber Adopts Bill On Day Labor

Romania's Chamber of Deputies adopted Tuesday a bill on day labor, with 158 votes for, 128 against and two abstentions, which says day laborers must pay a 16% income tax.

Romanian Senate Committee Rejects Bill Requiring Psychological Exam For Public Candidates

The Romanian Senate's committee for human rights on Tuesday issued a negative opinion on a bill requiring candidates for public office to undergo a psychological and psychiatric examination.

Romanian MPs Draft Bill Forcing Supermarkets To Designate Areas For Traditional Romanian Products

Two Romanian lawmakers have submitted a bill in Parliament that would force supermarkets to have special designated areas for traditional Romanian products, in a bid to support the local economy.

Romanian Govt Approves Bill Eliminating Govt Inspectors

Romania’s Government approved a bill Wednesday evening eliminating the position of government inspector and people filling such positions are to be transferred into a reserve body.

Romanian Senate Rejects Bill Renaming Roma As Gypsies

Romanian senators on Wednesday rejected 51 to 27 votes and five abstentions a bill that would have renamed the country’s Roma minority internally as “gypsies”.

Romanian Senate Committee Approves Copayment System For Public Healthcare

Romania’s Senate committee for healthcare on Tuesday endorsed the bill introducing a copayment system for public healthcare services.

Romanian Senate Committee Rejects Bill Forcing Radios To Play Romanian Music

Romania’s Senate committee for culture on Tuesday recommended that the plenum reject a bill that would force local radio stations to play Romanian music for 40% of their music playing air time.

Romanian Senators Draft Bill Obliging Public Office Candidates To Undergo Psychiatric Examinations

Five Romanian senators have drafted a bill requiring psychological and psychiatric examinations of all candidates for public office, including presidential candidates.

Romanian Senate Committees OK Bill To Change The Term ‘Roma’ To ‘Gypsy’

The Romanian Senate’s committees for human rights and equal opportunities endorsed Wednesday a bill initiated by democrat liberal lawmaker Silviu Prigoana proposing to replace the term “Roma” with “gypsy”.

Romanian Porn Sites Forced To Check Users’ Age – Bill

Porn sites in Romania must ensure any adult content is accessed solely by adult users and are obliged to check user’s age before allowing access, according to a bill the Government approved Wednesday, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX Thursday.

Romanian Drivers Required To Use Snow Tires In Winter – Draft

Romania's Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure has drafted a new ordinance requiring drivers to use snow tires during the winter, bringing in an estimated EUR445 million to the state budget, from the VAT collected from tire sales.

Romania Interior Ministry Staff Numbers 25% Higher Than EU Average

Romania’s Interior Ministry says it needs to cut back on staff because Romania has an average 500 police officers, military officers and public servants per 100,000 inhabitants, which is 25% higher than the European Union average.

Romanian President Denounces Roma Bill – Financial Times

Romanian President Traian Basescu said he will refuse to sign into law a bill renaming the country’s Roma minority internally as “gypsies”, the Financial Times reported online Monday.

Outdoor Advertising Banned In Romanian Parks, On Public Buildings, Trees – Bill

Placing outdoor advertising supports could be banned in Romanian parks, on trees, in natural reserves, on the headquarters of public institutions, on roadways and in other spots deemed improper by the local administration.

Romania To Eliminate Govt Inspectors From High Public Servants Category – Bill

The position of government inspector will be eliminated from the category of high public servants and people filling such positions will be transferred to a reserve body from where they could occupy executive positions, according to propositions to change the statute of Romanian public servants.

Romanian Local Auth To Rehabilitate Building Facades And Retrieve Money From Homeowners

Romanian local authorities will be able to use their own budgets to rehabilitate apartment buildings and then get their money back from homeowners, including through foreclosure, according to a bill drafted by the Development Ministry, minister Elena Udrea said Thursday.

Romanian President Basescu Sends Controversial Bills Back To Parliament

Romanian President Traian Basescu on Tuesday sent the Parliament back two bills, one reducing the VAT on food, the other exempting low pensions from the income tax, requesting they be re-examined.

Romanian Govt To Seek Confidence Vote Over Education Bill – Sources

Romania's Government decided in its Tuesday meeting to seek a confidence vote in Parliament to pass the education bill, starting procedures to this end on Wednesday, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.

Romania Lower House Moves Fwd On Bill Forcing Alcohol Abusers To Pay For Medical Services

The health committee in Romania’s Chamber of Deputies Wednesday approved unanimously a bill setting that people who require medical attention over voluntary alcohol abuse would have to pay for the medical services, lawmaker Tudor Ciuhodaru said.

Romanian Senate Committees Adopt National Integrity Agency Bill

The Romanian Senate’s committees for legal matters and human rights adopted Tuesday a favorable report on the National Integrity Agency (ANI) bill, with nine pro votes and seven abstentions.

Romanian Govt OKs Justice “Small Reform” Bill

Romania’s Government approved Friday in a special meeting the draft law of “small reform” in the justice system, which implements a series of measures to speed up trials, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.

Romania Lower House Committee OKs Bill Scraping Lump-Sum Tax, Setting 5% VAT On Food, Constructions

Romania’s Chamber of Deputies budget-finance committee Wednesday endorsed a bill submitted by the opposition, which scraps the lump-sum tax and sets the value added tax on food and home construction at 5%.

Romanian President Set To Reject Integrity Agency Bill If It Strips Agency Of More Attributions

Romanian President Traian Basescu told a press conference Thursday that he will reject the bill regulating the country’s integrity agency if he notices that the new bill only strips the agency of more attributions.

Romanian Senate Committees Endorse Integrity Agency Bill

The Romanian Senate’s committees for legal matters and human rights on Tuesday unanimously adopted a report endorsing the bill regulating the country’s integrity agency, with amendments to the draft adopted by the lower chamber late April.

Romanian Bill To Force Alcohol Abusers To Pay For Their Own Medical Services

The Romanian Senate’s committee for legal matters Tuesday endorsed a legal initiative whereby people who require medical attention over voluntary alcohol abuse would have to pay for the medical services.

Romanian Labor Min Says 180,000 Out Of 4.8 Million Pensions To Be Recalculated

Romanian Labor Minister Mihai Seitan told senators Tuesday 180,000 pensions would be recalculated under the country’s pension bill and the process would take about six months.

Romanian Government Tightens Conditions For Employees Who Want Medical Leave

The Romanian Government decided on Wednesday to tighten conditions for employees who can request a medical leave and will introduce of a verification system and a higher penalty for people demanding such leaves without solid grounds.

Romanian Govt Passes Bill Fighting Transport Piracy

Romania’s Government approved Monday an emergency decree fighting piracy in road transpiration, a bill demanded by transporters’ union COTAR, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Senate Passes Bill Outlawing Sale Of Psychoactive Plants

Romania’s Senate on Thursday enacted a Government bill banning the sale of psychoactive plants, consumed as recreational drugs, and the bill now needs approval from the Chamber of Deputies to become law.