
Romania Raises Over RON1B Selling 12-Year and 2-Year Bonds

Romania's finance ministry on Thursday raised a total 1.013 billion lei (EUR214.5 million) in two separate tenders, selling bonds maturing in September 2031 and in June 2021, central bank data showed.

Barry Bonds, găsit vinovat de obstrucţionarea justiţiei

Fostul jucător american de base-ball, Barry Bonds, a fost găsit vinovat, miercuri, la San Francisco, de faptul că a împiedicat buna funcţionare a justiţiei în faţa unui juriu federal care l-a audiat, în 2003, în legătură cu folosirea de produse dopante, informează AFP.

Romania Rejects All Bids In 5-Yr Bonds Sale

Romania’s Finance Ministry Thursday rejected for the second straight time all bids in a 300 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2616) five-year bonds auction, citing high yields.

Romania Rejects All Bids In 5-Yr Bonds Sale

Romania’s Finance Ministry Thursday rejected all bids in a 300 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2283) five-year bonds auction, citing high yields.

Romanian Pvt Pension Funds Lack Enough Liquidity For Long-Term Investments

Private pension funds in Romania don’t have enough liquidity yet to invest in long-term treasuries and prefer short-term investments, Bogdan Dragoi, state secretary with the Finance Ministry, said Tuesday.

RCS & RDS Plans To Issue $200M 7-Yr Bonds – S&P

Romania-based telecom provider RCS & RDS plans to sell $200 million worth of 7-year bonds, Friday said Standard & Poor's, which assign the proposed issue the 'B+' rating.

Romania Rejects All Bids For RON 400M 5Yr Bonds

Romania’s Economy and Finance Ministry has rejected on Thursday auction all bids for 400 million lei ($178.2 million) worth of five-year treasury bonds.

Romania Fin Min Plans To List Bonds June 28

Romania’s Economy and Finance Ministry plans to introduce Monday on a secondary market on the Bucharest Stock Exchange the trading of bonds so far sold by the ministry, Finance Minister Varujan Vosganian said Wednesday.

Romania’s Fin Min Plans RON1B State Treasuries Sale In May

Romania’s Economy and Finance Ministry plans to sell state treasuries worth a total of 1 billion lei ($426 million) in May, of which RON700 million as benchmark bonds and RON300 million as T-Bills.