
Romanian NGO Requests Disclosure Of EU-Funded Contracts, Classified By Ex-Labor Min

The Romanian Institute for Public Policy (IPP), a non-government organization, asked Prime Minister Emil Boc to repeal an order by former Labor Minister Ioan Botis, which classified information on the use of non-refundable European financing, or it will challenge it in court.

Romanian Integrity Agency Asks Anticorruption Dept To Probe Ex-Labor Min

Romania's National Integrity Agency (ANI) has asked the National Anticorruption Department (DNA) to investigate claims of conflict of interest brought against former Labor Minister Ioan Botis.

Romanian Labor Min Says Wife To Quit Position As Adviser On EU-Funded Project

Romanian Labor Minister Ioan Botis said Tuesday his wife will quit her position as adviser to a EU and Government-funded project, amid allegations of a possible conflict of interest.

Romanian Antifraud Department Suspects Labor Min In Conflict Of Interest

The Romanian Antifraud Department (DLAF) believes "there are indications of breaches of national and community law on the conflict of interest" in the case of a project run by an NGO where the wife of Labor Minister Ioan Botis is an adviser.

Botiş:Guvernul va oferi două pachete de ajutoare pentru familiile minerilor morţi la Mina Uricani -2

Ministrul Muncii, Ioan Botis, a declarat că Guvernul va oferi două pachete pentru familiile minerilor morţi în urma exploziei de la Mina Uricani, un pachet de ajutoare de urgenţă şi un pachet individualizat, acesta urmând să se dea în funcţie de nevoile fiecărei familii.

Botiş: Guvernul va oferi două pachete de ajutoare pentru familiile minerilor morţi la Mina Uricani

Ministrul Muncii, Ioan Botis, a declarat că Guvernul va oferi două pachete pentru familiile minerilor morţi în urma exploziei de la Mina Uricani, un pachet de ajutoare de urgenţă şi un pachet individualizat, acesta urmând să se dea în funcţie de nevoile fiecărei familii.

Romanian Labor Min Proposes Alternative Measures To Previous Maternity Leave Proposition

Romanian Labor Minister Ioan Botis Tuesday presented ruling democrat liberal lawmakers with three alternative measures to a previous proposition he made regarding maternity leave, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.

Future Romanian Social Code To Reduce No Of Social Benefits, Recipients

Romanian Labor Minister Ioan Botis said Friday that the Social Code, currently being drafted by the Government, will reduce the number of social benefits and of their recipients.

Romanians To Receive Child-Rearing Benefits For Less Time – Labor Min

Romania might provide child-rearing benefits for a shorter period of time, though in the same amount, said Labor Minister Ioan Botis on Friday.

Ialomiţianu la ieşirea din Ministerul Muncii: Am discutat despre salarizare

Ministrul Finanţelor, Gheorghe Ialomiţianu, a participat, vineri, pentru aproximativ 30 de minute, la discuţiile privind salarizarea de la Ministerul Muncii, unde se află reprezentanţii sindicatelor din educaţie.

Romanian Labor Ministry To Grant Bonuses To Employees Based On Performance Criteria

Romanian Labor Minister Ioan Botis said Thursday that the ministry has a bonus fund and that, after talks with unionists, it was decided that bonuses will be granted based on performance criteria.

Botiş cheamă liderii BNS la negocieri, aceştia exclud participarea la discuţii în timpul protestului

Ministrul Muncii, Ioan Botiş, i-a invitat pe liderii Blocului Naţională Sindical la negocieri, marţi, de la ora 12.30, însă preşedintele BNS, Dumitru Costin, exclude participarea la discuţiile de la Ministerul Muncii în timpul protestului care urmează să înceapă în Capitală.