
Globurile de Aur 2020:Phoebe Waller-Bridge, desemnată cea mai bună actriţă într-un serial de comedie

Phoebe Waller-Bridge a primit premiul Globul de Aur pentru cea mai bună actriţă într-un serial de comedie, "Fleabag", la cea de-a 77-a ediţie a galei, care are loc duminică noapte, la Los Angeles.

Omar Sharif a împlinit 80 de ani: Povestea starului de cinema, devenit celebru pentru rolurile din „Lawrence al Arabiei” şi „Doctor Jivago” – FOTO, VIDEO

Omar Sharif, o legendă a cinematografiei, a împlinit astăzi 80 de ani. Viaţa actorului care l-a interpretat pe şeriful Ali în "Lawrence al Arabiei" a fost tumultuoasă, Sharif îmbinând plăcerea de a juca în filme cu pasiunea jocurilor de noroc.

Romanian Roads Authority Lowers Toll For Two Bridges Over Danube

Romanian roads authority CNADNR on Thursday lowered the toll charged to cross the Fetesti – Cernavoda and Giurgeni - Vadul Oii bridges over the Danube, to values that range between 6 lei (about EUR1.4) and RON3, considering the type of the vehicle.

Romania, Bulgaria Commit To Jointly Build New Bridges Over Danube River

Romania’s Transport Minister Anca Boagiu and her Bulgarian counterpart Alexander Tsvetkov agreed to set up a work group meant to spot locations and seek financing sources needed for the construction of new bridges over the Danube River.

Romanian President Supervises Army Works On Temporary Bridge In NE Romania

Romanian President Traian Basescu arrived Monday around noon in Dornesti, in the flood-hit northern Romanian Suceava county, to supervise works on a bridge over the local river built by the army.

Romania, Bulgaria To Call On EU To Extend Interval To Finance Works On Vidin-Calafat Bridge

Romania’s Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday, during an official visit to Bulgaria, the two countries will call on the European Union to extend the interval of financing works on the Danube Bridge linking Calafat in Romnaia to Vidin in Bulgaria, so that the construction of the bridge be finished by July 2011.

Romania, Bulgaria Mull Scrapping Danube Bridge Tolls

Romanian and Bulgarian officials are looking into the possibility of discarding tolls charged for the use of the Danube Bridge linking Giurgiu in Romania to Ruse in Bulgaria.

Romanian-Bulgarian Bridge Over Danube To Be Upgraded – Public Road Auth

Romania’s public roads authority CNADNR plans to upgrade the bridge over the Danube, linking Giurgiu in Romania to Ruse in Bulgaria, and it will set up an auction in November to select the company that will upgrade the bridge.

Romanian Transport Min Sets Annual Danube Bridge Pass Fees

The annual pass used to cross the bridge over the Danube, at Cernavoda-Fetesti, will cost 400 lei (EUR1=RON4.2782) for 50 crossings by car and RON2,720 for trucks weighing more than 12 tons and with at least 12 axels, according to an announcement made by the Romanian Ministry of Transport.

Romanian Transport Min Exempts Buses Carrying School Children From Bridge Toll

Buses transporting school children will not pay the Fetesti bridge toll, according to a decision of the Romanian Ministry of Transport, public road authority official Adrian Ionescu said Friday.

Romanian Transport Min To Introduce Monthly Bridge Pass For Locals

The Romanian Ministry of Transport could introduce a monthly pass for the locals using the Fetesti-Cernavoda bridge, Transport Minister Radu Berceanu told a news conference Thursday.

Romanian Transport Min Keeps Bridge Toll, Introduces Tachograph Inspections

The Romanian Ministry of Transport will maintain the tax on the Cernavoda bridge and will introduce inspections for road toll, tachographs, as well as a permanent scale for heavy trucks, said transport minister Radu Berceanu.

EC Claims Romanian Bridge Toll Is Legal, FORT Complaint Is Pending

A vignette state, such as Romania, can collect road and bridge tolls, according to the EU’s Press Office, adding that the European Commission has not yet received any complaints regarding the toll collected on the Romanian Fetesti-Cernavoda bridge.

Romania-Bulgaria Border Crossing Bridge Toll To Decrease 30% As Of Jan 1, 2009

The toll for the crossing of the Giurgiu-Ruse bridge at the border between Romania and Bulgaria will be lowered by 30% as of January 1, 2009, said Friday Stefan Szobotka, communication manger of the Romanian national roads and highways company, or CNADNR.

EC Wants New Danube Bridge Btw Romania, Bulgaria Operational By End 2010

The cross-border bridge over Danube River between Romanian city of Calafat and Bulgaria’s Vidin should be operational by the end of 2010, European Commission official Jeroen van Oel told the Bulgarian side during a meeting on the project, quoted by Bulgarian daily “Dnevnik.