bucharest court

Former Bucharest Mayor Sorin Oprescu Sentenced to Prison for Corruption Offences

The Bucharest Court decided on Monday to sentence the former mayor of Bucharest, Sorin Oprescu, to four years and four months in prison for corruption offences, in a first decision.

Bucharest Court Decides to End Trial Against Two Businessmen In “Microsoft 2” Case

Judges from the Bucharest Court decided on Thursday to close criminal proceedings against businessmen Dinu Pescariu and Claudiu Florica, who were investigated for money laundering in a notorious case regarding state purchases of Microsoft licenses.

Israeli Doctors Attempting To Leave Romania On Tue Had No Work License – Prosecutors

Two Israeli doctors who were applied preventive arrest in the investigation of fertility clinic Sabyc after attempting to leave Romania on Tuesday had been working without license, sanitary authorization and without the approval of the Doctors College.

Romanian Court Sentences Ex-RADET Head Gheorghe Dabela To Six Yrs In Prison For Corruption

The Bucharest Court of Appeals on Wednesday sentenced the former general manager of Bucharest heating company RADET, Gheorghe Dabela, to six years in prison and two years of suspended rights for bribery, after the Bucharest Military Court previously sentenced Dabela to three years in prison.

Romanian Businessman Dinu Patriciu Wins Trial Against Intelligence Service

The Bucharest Court of Appeals maintained the decision of a lower court which obligated the Romanian Intelligence Services to pay businessman Dinu Patriciu moral damages for illegal tapping.

Romanian Court Of Accounts Finds Breaches At Bucharest City Hall

The Romanian Court of Accounts notified the Bucharest Court regarding violations noticed in Bucharest City Hall regarding a contract for the purchase of land in the Mihailesti commune, unjustified payments for works on roads, losses in the social security budget and delays in budget payments.

Bucharest Court Evacuated After Bomb Threat Call

The new and the old buildings housing the Bucharest Court were evacuated Friday at noon after a bomb threat from a man calling off a pre-paid mobile card, said commissioner Christian Ciocan, spokesman for the Bucharest Police.