budget deficit

Romania Posts Budget Deficit of 1.4% of GDP in Jan-May

Romania's general consolidated budget posted a deficit of RON14.7 billion in January-May, or 1.4% of gross domestic product, finance ministry data showed.

European Commission Urges Romania to Adjust Ballooning Public Deficit

Romania's public deficit is seen reaching 3.3% of gross domestic product this year and the European Commission recommends an annual structural adjustment of at least 1% of GDP in 2019.

Eurostat Withdraws Reservation On Romania’s Deficit Data

Eurostat has withdrawn its reservation expressed on the quality of Romania’s data on the budget deficit for the 2007-2010 period and confirmed the October 2011 notification from the eastern European country was according to ESA95 methodology, the Finance Ministry said Friday.

Romania Will Miss Budget Gap Target, Because Of Upcoming Elections – Piraeus

Romania's Government will miss this year's budget deficit target of 4.4%, agreed upon with the International Monetary Fund, as there is a high likelihood of "fiscal slippages" before next year's parliamentary elections, say analysts from Piraeus Bank.

ING Says Romania’s Plan To Cap Deficit At 3% Of GDP Ill-timed

Romania’s planned amendments to the Constitution in order to limit the consolidated budget deficit to 3% of the gross domestic product may be positive on the long run, but its immediate opportunity is questionable, according to a report from ING Bank.

Romanian Draft Constitution: Budget Gap Limited To 3% Of GDP

Romania's budget gap may not be wider than 3% of the gross domestic product, while the public debt may not exceed 60% of the GDP, says the draft revised Constitution, published Wednesday by the Presidential Administration.

IMF Has ‘No Doubts’ On Romania 2010 Deficit Data – Official

The International Monetary Fund has “no doubts whatsoever” on the quality of the budgetary data sent by Romania for 2010, the country’s representative to the IMF said Wednesday.

Romania Budget Deficit To Include Data From Money-Losing Cos

Romanian government will amend budget deficit calculations to include the debts of 30 state-run companies, as well as the results of investment fund Fondul Proprietatea, according to the country’s technical memorandum of understanding to a follow-up deal with the International Monetary Fund.

Romania’s Budget Posts Deficit Of 0.4%/GDP In Jan-Feb

Romania’s consolidated budget posted a deficit of 2.3 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.0881) in the first two months of the year, compared with RON5.8 billion in the same period of 2010, Finance Ministry data showed Friday.

Romania’s 2010 Budget Deficit Narrows To 6.5% Of GDP

Romania’s consolidated budget posted in 2010 a deficit of 33.3 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2675), or 6.5% of the estimated gross domestic product, lower than the ceiling agreed with the International Monetary Fund, the Finance Ministry said Thursday.

Romania ’10 Budget Deficit At 6.6% Of GDP, Below IMF-Imposed Target – Sources

Romania’s government sent a letter to the International Monetary Fund saying the country has met all requirements for a new tranche out of the EUR13 billion stand-by loan, including a budget deficit of 6.6% of the gross domestic product for 2010, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.

Romania, IMF Set 1Q 2011 Budget Deficit Target At RON5.7B

Romania and the International Monetary Fund have agreed on a budget deficit target of 5.7 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.295) for the first quarter of next year, one third lower compared to the same period of 2010.

Romania’s Jan-Aug Budget Deficit Widens To 4.1% Of GDP – Sources

Romania’s consolidated budget posted a deficit of 20.9 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2455), or 4.1% of the gross domestic product, after the first eight months of the year, people from the Finance Ministry told MEDIAFAX.

Romania Likely To Miss 2011 Deficit Target – Ctrl Bker

Romania is unlikely to meet its budget deficit target for 2011, because of its weak economic performance, a central bank official said Thursday.

EU: Romania Took Effective Action To Lower Budget Gap

Romania has taken effective measures to lower its budget deficit to below 3% of the gross domestic product by the 2012 deadline, the European Commission said in a statement Tuesday.

Romania’s 1H Budget Deficit At RON18.1B, Meets IMF Target

Romania's consolidated budget posted a deficit of 18.07 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2476) in the first year-half, below the target agreed with the International Monetary Fund, the Finance Ministry said in a statement Tuesday.

Romania To Meet 1H Budget Deficit Target

Romania has met the budget deficit target agreed with the International Monetary Fund for the first half of the year, Finance Ministry state secretary Bogdan Dragoi said Tuesday.

Moody’s Says Romania Rating Endangered If Budget Gap Exceeds Target

Romania’s sovereign outlook could come under downward pressure if the government fails to lower the budget deficit to 6.8% of the gross domestic product in 2010, Moody’s Investors Service said Friday.

ING: Romania Should Cut 200,000 Public Jobs By 2012 To Lower Budget Gap

Romania won’t be able to lower its budget deficit below 3% of the gross domestic product by 2012 unless it slashes 200,000 jobs in the public sector, an official of ING Bank Romania said Thursday.

Romania Jan-May Budget Gap Widens To 3.2% Of GDP – Sources

Romanian consolidated budget posted a deficit of 16.5 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2163) in the January-May period, amounting to 3.23% of the gross domestic product, government sources said Friday.

Romania Jan-Apr Budget Deficit Widens To 2.2% Of GDP

Romania’s consolidated budget posted a deficit of 12.1 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.1523) in the first four months of 2010, wider than RON9.36 billion in the same period a year earlier, according to data published Friday by the Finance Ministry.

Romania Ctrl Bank: High Deficits Don’t Buy Time To Recover From Crisis

Postponing corrective actions against Romania’s budget deficit in an attempt to buy time and emerge from the recession would only deepen the recession and will deplete financing resources, central bank governor Mugur Isarescu said Tuesday.

Romania Must Borrow Extra EUR5B, Apart From IMF Loan, To Meet New Budget Deficit Target

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Tuesday Romania should borrow extra EUR5 billion from the market, apart from the EUR3 billion to be disbursed by the International Monetary Fund and the European Union by the end of the year, in order to keep the deficit in the new cap agreed with the IMF.

EU Says Romania „Broadly” Meets Loan Terms

Romania has broadly met the policy conditions for a loan from the European Union, but still needs to take additional measures to narrow the budget deficit, the European Commission said Monday.

Romania Economy At A Crossroads – Central Bank Governor

Romania is at a crossroads and it must make a decision to resolve the large discrepancy between revenue and spending, central bank governor Mugur Isarescu said Thursday.

Romania PM: Govt Is At Peace With Country’s ‘09 IMF-Validated Budget Deficit

The Romanian Government is “very much at ease” as regards the country’s 2009 budget deficit, considering that the result was validated by officials of the European Commission and the International Monetary Fund during recent talks with Romanian authorities, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Thursday.

President Basescu Says EC Head Shares His Standpoint On Core Issues For Romania

Romanian President Traian Basescu said that European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso made Thursday in Brussels the same remarks he did in the meeting with Government members on Wednesday, and underscored the dire need to keep tight grip on public spending.

Romania Q1 Budget Deficit Meets IMF Target – Fin Min

Romania met its 8.25 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.1094) budget deficit target for the first quarter set with the International Monetary Fund, despite lower-than-expected revenue, Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu said Thursday.

Romania Jan-Feb Budget Gap At 1.1% Of GDP

Romania’s consolidated budget posted a deficit of 1.1% % of the gross domestic product in the January-February period, amounting to 5.8 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.0653), Finance Ministry data showed Thursday.

Romania January Budget Gap At 0.03% Of GDP

Romania’s consolidated budget deficit stood at 0.03% of the gross domestic product in January, Finance Ministry state secretary Gheorghe Gherghina said Wednesday.

EU To Assess Romania’s Budget Deficit Corrective Measures

The European Commission will assess, over the next weeks, whether Romania and Poland have taken effective actions in respect to the correction of their budget deficits, as part of the excessive deficit procedure launched against the two countries mid-2009, the Commission said Wednesday.

Romania Must Reduce Budget Deficit To Keep Public Debt Under Control – IMF Official

Romania’s public debt will not represent a threat if the country consolidates its tax system to reduce the budget deficit to 5.9% of the GDP in 2010 and then take it under the 3% target set by the Maastricht Treaty, the head of the IMF mission to Romania, Jeffrey Franks, said Friday.

Romania Asks IMF To Allow Higher Budget Deficit At 7.8% Of GDP – Sources

Romania has asked the International Monetary Fund to allow it run a higher budget deficit at 7.8% of the gross domestic product this year, due to delays in applying spending cuts aimed at keeping the deficit in leash, people familiar with the matter told MEDIAFAX Thursday.

Romania Jan-Sep Budget Deficit At 5.03% Of GDP

Romania’s consolidated budget deficit rose to nearly 25 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2840) in the first nine months, amounting to 5.03% of the gross domestic product, a Finance Ministry official said Tuesday.

Romania’s 8-Mo Budget Deficit At 4.5% Of GDP

Romania’s consolidated budget deficit rose one percentage point in August, to 4.5% of the gross domestic product, the Finance Ministry said Friday.

Romania’s 8-Mo Budget Deficit At 4.4% Of GDP – Official

Romania’s consolidated budget deficit rose one percentage point in August, to 4.4% of the gross domestic product, Finance Ministry state secretary Gheorghe Gherghina told Mediafax, citing preliminary data.

Moody’s Sees Romanian GDP At -8.9% In ’09

Romanian economy is likely to contract by 8.9% this year on falling domestic demand, while the first signs of recovery are not expected until mid next year, rating agency Moody’s said Tuesday.

Romanian President Wants 2nd IMF Loan Tranche To Fund Budget Deficit

Romanian President Traian Basescu said late Wednesday that he would talk to IMF representatives on using the second tranche of the IMF loan to finance the budget deficit instead of raising central bank's foreign currency reserves.

IMF „Flexible” In Negotiations With Romania On Wider Budget Def – Mission Head

The International Monetary Fund will be "flexible" in negotiating with Romania a wider target for the 2009 budget deficit as macroeconomic indicators worsened, but an exact figure cannot be announced yet, said Thursday Jeffrey Franks, head of the IMF mission in Romania.

Romania Mulls Widening Budget Def To 5.5% of GDP From 4.6% To Fund Infrastructure

Romania will ask the International Monetary Fund to allow it to widen its budget deficit target to 5.5% of gross domestic product from the 4.6% of GDP set in the country’s stand-by loan agreement, people close to the negotiations told MEDIAFAX Sunday.