budget revision

Romanian Liberals VP Says Positive Budget Revision Attracts Parliamentary Inquiry Commission

Vice President of Romanian National Liberal Party, Florin Citu, said on Monday that the public finances are in a "disastrous" situation and that a positive budget revision will lead to the assembly of a parliamentary inquiry commission, something that his party will demand in Parliament.

Romanian Fmr Health Min: Reforms Should Go Hand In Hand With Ensuring Financial Support

Romania’s former Health Minister Attila Cseke, who resigned Thursday over a budget dispute, said the situation of the country’s healthcare system is even more serious than in the previous years, and added reforms in the sector must go hand in hand with financial support.

Romania Slightly Revises Up Year-End Budget Revenue

Romania's Government will slightly revise up its year-end estimate for budget revenues by 52.8 million lei (EUR1=RON4.296) to RON165.49 billion, according to the draft of the second budget revision for 2010.

Romanian Govt To OK Second Budget Revision This Year Monday

Romania’s Government will approve this year’s second budget revision in a special Cabinet meeting Monday, when it will also approve the unitary wage bill which it seeks to adopt through a confidence vote, Government spokeswoman Ioana Muntean said late Wednesday.

About 1,000 Public Servants, Local Mayors Protest In E Romania Over Budget Cuts

About one thousand public servants and local mayors in the eastern Romanian county of Vrancea protested Wednesday at the prefect’s office in county seat Focsani, demanding the annulment of a government decree that took over 34 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2478) off the county’s budget.

Romania 2010 Budget Revision Envisages 5.9% Avg Inflation – FinMin

The projections included in Romania’s first-half budget revision are based on an exchange rate of 4.24 lei/euro and an average annual inflation rate estimated at 5.9%, Finance Minister Sebastian said Wednesday.

Romania Govt OKs First Budget Revision Of 2010

Romanian government Wednesday approved the first budget revision of 2010, which includes fund increases for socially protected categories, alongside budget cuts for several ministries.

Romanian Govt Raises Unemployment Budget On Planned Job Cuts

The Government will raise expenses for unemployment aid this year by 1.1 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2404) at this year’s first budget revision, expecting a higher number of jobless people than initially estimated when the budget was drafted.

Romanian Govt To Lower Funds For Education, Defense, Agriculture To Pay Pensions, Social Welfare

Romania’s Government will lower budgets for education, defense, justice, transports and agriculture and direct the money to the payment of pensions, unemployment benefits and other social welfare rights to avoid further social unrest.

Romania To Make First Budget Revision For 2010 In July – PM

Romania’s Prime Minister Emil Boc on Tuesday said this year’s first budget revision will be made in July.

Romania To Make First Budget Revision For 2010 In July

Romania will revise the budget for the first time in 2010 in July, when the government is also expected to discuss the possibility of taking out a new international loan, Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely said Thursday.

Romania To Revise State Budget After Talks With IMF, In May-June

Romania’s Government will operate this year’s first state budget revision toward the end of the first half of the year, in May or June, after talks with the IMF mission, scheduled for late April, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX Saturday.

Romania’s Govt To Limit Budget Revisions – Draft Law

Romania’s government will no longer be able to make more than two budget revisions during a year, and the budget won’t be revised in the first half of the year, according to the fiscal responsibility draft law.

Romanian Prime Min To Grant Mins New Funds At The Second Budget Revision

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday the Justice Ministry, the Ministry of Interior, the Education Ministry and the Labor Ministry will receive additional funds at the next budget revision, and the infrastructure investment projects will also benefit from greater finance.

Romania To Operate Budget Revision By End-Aug – Fin Min

Romania’s budget will be revised in maximum two weeks, to adjust the deficit by lowering expenses and each minister will have to comply, finance minister Gheorghe Pogea told MEDIAFAX on Wednesday.

Romania To See Second Budget Revision In August – PM

Romania’s Government scheduled this year’s second budget revision for August, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Saturday.

Romania’s Govt Plans New Budget Revision This Summer

Romania’s Government plans to revise again in the summer the state budget and the state social insurance budget for 2009, during the parliamentary vacation, according to a normative act drafted by the government.

Romanian Parliament Endorses ’09 Budget Revision

The Romanian Parliament approved Tuesday the emergency ordinance on the 2009 budget revision, which is based on a 4% economic contraction and a deficit target of 4.6% of the gross domestic product.

Romania’s Education Sector Won’t See Lower Wages, Layoffs Following Budget Revision

Leaders of Romania’s governing coalition discussed Monday the situation in the country’s education sector following a budget revision approved Saturday and decided wages in education wouldn’t be decreased and people wouldn’t be laid off.

Romanian Defense Min Loses RON675M At Budget Revision

Romania’s first budget revision of 2009 includes significant spending cuts at ministries and public institutions, including the Ministry of Defense, whose budget was lowered by approximately 675 million lei (EUR1-RON4.1189).

Romania Education Employees Threaten Protests Over Govt’s Planned Budget Revision

Romanian education employees threaten protests and even general strike over the government’s planned budget revision, which could cut back on education staff by 20,000 people or freeze salaries in the sector.

Romanian Govt Plans To Reduce Staff Or Freeze Salaries In Education Sector- Union Leader

Romanian education unionists rejected the government’s decision to cut back on education staff by 20,000 people or freeze salaries in the sector, Aurel Cornea, head of the Federation of Free Unions in Education (FSLI), said Monday.

Romanian Govt Approves 4th Budget Revision This Yr – Sources

Romania's Government approved Tuesday this year's fourth state budget revision, government sources told MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Govt To Revise Budget Wednesday – Fin Min

The Romanian Government will approve this year's third budget revision in the cabinet meeting Wednesday, increasing budget revenue by 6.4 billion lei (EUR=RON3.6480) and expenses by RON7B, Economy and Finance Minister Varujan Vosganian told MEDIAFAX Friday.

Romania’s Budget Deficit At 2.4% After 3rd Budget Revision – Sources

The Romanian Ministries of Agriculture, Transport, Justice, Defense, and Interior will get most of the funds in the government’s third budget revision this year, while the budget deficit will be at some 2.4% of the gross domestic product, ministerial sources said Thursday.

Romanian PM , Fin Min And Ctrl Bk Governor In Talks Over Budget Revision Due Wed

Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu, Economy and Finance Minister Varujan Vosganian and central bank governor Mugur Isarescu held talks Monday over the second budget revision in 2008.