
Hermannstadt a transferat un atacant care a evoluat în preliminariile competiţiilor europene

Echipa de fotbal Hermannstadt din Superliga României a transferat un atacant care vara aceasta a evoluat în preliminariile competiţiilor europene. Este vorba despre Sergiu Buş care s-a despărţit de divizionara secundă Corvinul Hunedoara.

De vineri, mijloacele de transport ale STB circulă mai rapid pe relaţia Nord – Centrul Capitalei

Timpul de deplasare al mijloacelor de transport în comun pe relaţia Nord - Centrul Capitalei se va reduce de la 1 decembrie, potrivit sindicatului din STB.

Twleve Romanians Injured In Car Accident Near Szeged, Hungary

A Romanian bus went off the road and overturned near Szeged, southern Hungary, injuring 12 people, a spokesperson of the local police said on Wednesday, cited by Hungarian news agency MTI.

Moldovan Police Seized Bus Carrying Moldovan Students From W Romania

A bus transporting 20 Moldovan students from the western Romanian city of Oradea and heading for the Moldovan capital Chisinau was seized by police in Calarasi, about 50 kilometers away from the capital, according to students’ leader Anatol Cojocari.

Romanian Citizen Loses Patience, Hijacks Transport Bus

A young man in eastern Romanian city Constanta, who wanted to get to Navodari, is under investigation by the police, as Sunday morning he hijacked a bus full of people and drove off while the driver was away.

Romanian Social Democrats’ Campaign Bus Hit In Alleged Shooting

The windshield of the bus carrying Romanian social democrat leader Mircea Geoana was broken Sunday evening near Bucharest, and the driver said the bus was shot at.

Bus With Children On Board Caught Fire In C Romania

A bus transporting 24 children and teachers from Hungary on a trip to Romania caught fire Tuesday morning near Miercurea Ciuc, central Romania, but none of the passengers were injured.

Nine Injured In Bus-Train Collision North Romania

At least nine people were injured Wednesday afternoon when a bus got hit by a train near Romania’s northern town of Bistrita.