
Romanian Senator, Former Judge, Businessmen Indicted On Corruption Charges

Romanian social democrat senator Catalin Voicu, former judge Florin Costiniu and businessmen Costel Casuneanu and Marius Locic were indicted by anticorruption prosecutors on charges of influence peddling and fraud.

Romanian Referees, Football Financer, Businessman Indicted For Corruption

The sponsor of Romanian football team FC Arges, Cornel Penescu, the former general manager of SC PIC SA Pitesti, Liviu Facaleata, former referee Ionica Serea and football referee Marius Martis were indicted by anticorruption prosecutors on bribe-related charges.

Romanian Anticorruption Prosecutors Detain High Court Judge Florin Costiniu

Romanian anticorruption prosecutors Thursday detained High Court of Justice civil department chief Florin Costiniu, in a corruption file investigating social democrat senator Catalin Voicu, along with businessmen Castel Casuneanu and Marius Locic.

Romanian MEP Gigi Becali Appears Before Prosecutors In Kidnapping Case

Romanian MEP and football club Steaua Bucharest financer Gigi Becali appeared Wednesday before the General Prosecutors' Office in the case where he is charged with the kidnapping of three people who had stolen his car.

Romanian Businessman Arpad Paszkany Indicted On Corruption Charges

Romanian organized crime prosecutors in Cluj county, northwestern Romania, on Thursday indicted businessman Arpad Paszkany on charges of backing an organized crime group and resorting to blackmail to obtain illicit gains.

Romanian Businessman Sent Documents To Get Authorization For Romanian Bk -Sources

Romanian businessman Valer Blidar, the owner of several companies including train car producer Astra Vagoane Calatori Arad, submitted to the central bank the documents needed for the authorization of a bank with Romanian capital, people close to the businessman told MEDIAFAX.