
Două absolvente audiate în cazul fraudei de la Gătaia spun că nu au fost strânşi bani

Două din cele cinci absolvente audiate la Poliţia Gătaia în cazul de suspiciune de fraudă la bacalaureat din Timiş spun că nu au fost strânşi bani în şcoală pentru a fi daţi profesorilor cu scopul de a obţine note mai mari la examen şi că ele au învăţat şi în timpul liceului, şi pentru bacalaureat.

Romanian Private Radio, TV To Grant Free Airtime To Presidential Candidates

Romanian private television and radio stations are obligated by law to grant free airtime to the candidates in the November presidential election, similar to airtime provided by public radio and TV, according to a Government Emergency Ordinance amending the presidential elections law.

Pogramul echipelor din Liga I care mai au şanse matematice la titlu

Programul echipelor din Liga I care mai au şanse matematice la câştigarea titlului de campioană în sezonul 2008-2009:

Romania Could Hold Presidential Elections Before Dec 15 –PM

Romania could hold presidential elections before Dec 15 this year, when the president’s five-year term expires, and the head of state can be invested by Parliament afterward, Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said late Saturday.

Bucharest City Hall Candidate Sorin Oprescu Leaves Social Democrats

Romanian senator Sorin Oprescu announced he will resign from the Social Democratic Party.

Bucharest District 5 Mayor Joins Race For Bucharest Mayoralty

Mircea Geoana, leader of Romania’s leftist opposition Social-Democratic Party (PSD) Thursday said his party chose to validate the decision of the party’s Bucharest branch regarding the candidacy of Bucharest district 5 mayor, Marian Vanghelie, for general mayor.

Bucharest Social Democrats Appoint City Hall Candidate

The Romanian Social Democratic Party’s (PSD) Bucharest branch council decided unanimously that Marian Vanghelie would be the party’s candidate for Bucharest city hall, social democrat sources told MEDIAFAX.