car industry

Romanian Car Output Up 8.1% In May, 3.6% In Jan-May ’09

Vehicle output in Romania grew by 8.1% in May, compared to the same month of the previous year, to 28,567 units, while in January-May production grew by 3.6%, compared to the similar interval of 2008, to 111,609 units.

Ford Investment Spurs Interest In Romanian Car Mkt

Ford buyout of Romania’s Automobile Craiova assembly plant spurred interest in the Romanian auto market among large international players, head of privatization authority Teodor Atanasiu said Saturday.

Romanian Car Indus EUR7.2B In ‘07 Vs EUR5.6 On Yr-Dacia Oficial

Romania’s car industry reached EUR7.2 billion in 2007, up against EUR5.6 billion in 2006, an official of Automobile Dacia SA, the local unit of French carmaker Renault, said Monday.