
PwC: CEE Real Estate Sector In For Difficult Year, Romanian Mkt Begins To Thaw

Central and Eastern Europe’s real estate sector faces another difficult year in 2010, but prospects for the future are brighter, while the Romanian market is only now beginning to experience a thaw, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).

Romanian Social Dem Leader Geoana Calls For E Europe’s Active Involvement In World Affairs

Central and Eastern Europe must raise their game and contribute to global debates and not take American involvement in the region for granted, writes Romanian social democrat leader Mircea Geoana in an opinion article in the online edition of the New York Times.

EC Sees CEE Economic Outlook Improving, Yet Challenges Persist

The economic outlook for Central and Eastern Europe is improving, but important challenges remain, such as ensuring the financial system health and securing a sufficient supply of credit to support the recovery, the European Commission said Friday.