central depository

Romania’s Sec Comm OKs Lucian Isac As Central Depository’s Interim Admin

Romania’s Securities Commission CNVM approved Tuesday the appointment of Lucian Isac, the general manager of brokerage company Estinvest Focsani, as ad interim member of Central Depository’s Board.

Romanian Central Depository To Cut Maximum Fee For Treasuries Transactions At RON50

Shareholders of Romania’s Central Depository decided Monday to cut by 28.5% the maximum ceiling of the tax for treasuries from 70 lei (EUR1=RON4.2348) to RON50 per transaction, also removing the minimum level of the fee for the transfer of shares, bonds or rights.

Romanian Investors May Trade Eurobonds On Intl Stock Exch – Central Depository

Romanian investors will be able to trade eurobonds on the international capital markets after Romania’s Central Securities Depository set up a direct connection between its own clearing and settlement system RoClear and the similar institution in Luxemburg, settlement house Clearstream Banking.