
Cluj: Institutul Inimii propune elaborarea unei Charte a tuturor institutelor medicale din România

Reprezentanţii Institutului Inimii "Niculae Stăncioiu" din Cluj propun elaborarea unei Charte a institutelor medicale din România, în care să se stipuleze că acestea sunt unităţi performante şi au nevoie de o finanţare corespunzătoare şi de sprijin în ceea ce priveşte politica de sănătate publică.

Romanian Top-100 Cos Post Overall Sales Of EUR46.27B In ‘09

The top-100 companies with respect for turnover posted overall sales of EUR46.27 billion last year, 20% less than in 2008, while the overall pretax profit decreased by 45%, to EUR1.48 billion, according to a report compiled by FinMedia.

Romania Climbs Up To Number 5 In Symantec Phishing URL Chart

Romania edged up from 28th, in 2008, to 5th in a global chart for locally-hosted phishing URLs, according to an April report by Symantec, the world’s largest IT security software developer.

Romania Ranks Seventh In World’s Top Spammers Chart – Study

Romania is ranked seventh in a world chart of spam source countries, while Bucharest ranks eighth in a chart of the world’s top spam source cities, according to a study compiled by computer security company PandaLabs for the first two months of 2010.

Romanian Labor Minister Says Owners’ Associations Decided On 2008 Min Salary

The representatives of owners’ associations have reached an agreement, for the first time, on the sum of 480 lei (EUR1-RON3.3671) for the 2008 minimum salary per economy, Romania’s labor minister Paul Pacuraru said.