
Ce sume aduc anual cele mai cunoscute cântece de Crăciun

Britanicii au calculat cu aproximaţie cam la ce sumă s-ar ridica drepturile de autor încasate anual de muzicieni celebri precum Wham!, The Pogues sau Mariah Carey doar pentru piesele lor difuzate în fiecare an în perioada sărbătorilor, arată The Independent

Christmas Budget Of Half Of Romanians Below RON400 – Study

The Christmas budget of almost half of Romanians is below 400 lei (EUR1=RON4.2901), according to a survey conducted by the Romanian Institute for Evaluation and Strategy (IRES).

Only Half Of Romanian Cos Grant Christmas Bonuses In ’09 – Poll

Some half of Romanian companies will not be giving Christmas bonuses to employees this year, while last year 93.5% of companies gave the bonus.

Record-Breaking Santas Get Bucharest In The Guiness Book

Bucharest is now in the Guinness World Book of Records after 3,939 Santas gathered in Romania’s capital and offered gifts to the passersby.

Christmas Pig-Killing In Romania To Observe Animal Welfare Norms

Romanians are to kill pigs for Christmas only after the animals are stunned with guns firing captive bolts, the national veterinary authority ANSVSA said in a statement Thursday.