
Over EUR1.5M Missing From Bank Accounts Of Twenty Credit Europe Bank Clients

The number of clients of the local branch of Credit Europe Bank in Brasov, central Romania, who had money withdrawn from their bank accounts without their permission, reached 20, and total damages exceed EUR1.5 million.

Romanian Taxi Drivers Picking Up Clients Inside Airports Fined RON500 To RON1,000– Bill

Taxi drivers in Romania who pick up clients inside airport premises will be fined 500 lei (EUR1=RON4.1425) up to RON1,000, according to an emergency decree fighting piracy in road transportation, a bill demanded by Romanian transporters’ union COTAR.

Thousands On Waiting List For New Romanian Dacia Duster SUV

There is a waiting list of several thousand customers to buy Romanian carmaker Dacia’s new model, the Duster, commercial director Fabrice Cambolive said Tuesday, adding that the car will be available through the national clunkers program.