
Refunds For Romanian Scheme Scrappage Vouchers Disbursed Until December 23

Romanian Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely said Friday that the last refunds for vouchers through the car scrappage program will be disbursed on December 23, instead of December 12, following requests from voucher holders.

Romanian Clunkers Program Vouchers To Expire After November 23

The vouchers issued by Romania's Environment Fund Administration in 2011 through the clunkers program will expire after November 23, Environment Minister Lazlo Borbely warned Monday.

Romanian Govt To Up Clunkers Program Budget By 60,000 Scrapping Vouchers

Romania’s Government will supplement the budget for the country’s cash for clunkers program by 60,000 scrapping vouchers, Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely said Wednesday, at the end of the Cabinet meeting.

Romania’s 2011 Clunkers Program To Be Similar To That In ‘10 – Environment Minister

The Romanian clunkers program will continue this year, in a similar way to that in 2010, and the scrapping of cars will start around March 20 if the Environment Fund’s budget and guide are adopted next week, Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely told a news conference Thursday.

Romania’s 2011 Clunkers Program To Be Similar To That In 2010 – Environment Minister

Romanian authorities decided the 2011 edition of the country’s clunkers program will be allotted the same number of vouchers as in 2010, set at the same value, Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely told a news conference Thursday.

Romanians May Redeem Four Vouchers Per New Car In 2011 Clunkers Program – Minister

The 2011 edition of Romania's clunkers program will permit the use of four vouchers worth 3,000 lei each (EUR1=RON4.2862) to purchase a new car, instead of three vouchers worth RON3,800 each, like in 2010, Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely announced Tuesday.

Romanian Environment Ministry Seeks To Improve 2011 Clunkers Program

The Romanian Environment Ministry and the Environment Fund Administration are looking into ways to enhance the country’s 2011 clunkers program, and increasing the number of scrapping vouchers an individual can use is one of the measures considered.

Car Sales On Romanian Market Might Increase In Oct, Nov – Dealers

Sales on the Romanian car market will increase in October and November, the last two months of the 2010 clunkers program, supported mainly by the fall of car voucher prices and the shrinking of the used car market, car dealers said.

Romania Scrapped 164,752 Cars Under 2010 Clunkers Program Until Sept 3

Over 164,000 cars older than ten years were scrapped until September 3, 2010 within Romania's clunkers program, and the number of new cars bought within the program exceeded 38,000 units, of which 17,215 were made locally, Romanian Environment Ministry said in a press release Tuesday.

Romania Issues 30,000 More Scrapping Vouchers Within Cash For Clunkers Program

Romania has increased the number of scrapping vouchers within its national cash for clunkers program for the third time this year, following higher than expected demand.

Romania Ups Clunkers Program Budget To Issue 50,000 Extra Scrapping Vouchers

Romania’s Government on Wednesday supplemented the budget for the country’s clunkers program and will issue 50,000 additional scrapping vouchers.

Romania New Cars Sales Growth Second In EU Under Clunkers Programs

Romania ranks second in the European Union by new car sales this year, overtaken only by the UK, Romanian Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely said Tuesday at the Mediafax Talks about Auto Industry conference in Bucharest.

Romania’s Government To Continue Supporting Auto Industry Through Clunkers Program, Guarantees

The Romanian Government will continue to support the country’s auto industry in 2010, both through the clunkers program and by granting Government guarantees and state aid, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Tuesday at the Mediafax Talks about Auto Industry conference.

Romania’s Clunkers Program Has Served Goal To Back Local Auto Industry – PM

Romania’s car park renewal program, in which the government pays people to scrap their old cars and buy new ones, has served its purpose to support the local car industry as more than half of new cars sold were made locally, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday.

Romania To Supplement Funds Again For Clunkers Program On High Demand

Romania’s Government will again hike the budget assigned to the country’s clunkers program because 94,000 out of 110,000 car scrap vouchers have already been distributed, Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely said Wednesday.

Romania Environment Min: Over 100,000 Old Cars Will Be Scrapped Under 2010 Clunkers Program

Romania’s Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely said Tuesday evening that over 100,000 old cars will be scrapped under the 2010 clunkers program, which, he stressed, has set off on the right foot and its success mainly favors the local carmakers.

Romanian Govt Allots Extra RON195M For 2010 Clunkers Program

The Romanian Government assigned an additional 195 million lei (EUR1=RON4.0821) for the 2010 clunkers program, to issue 50,000 new vouchers used to scrap old cars, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday.

Romania To Assign Extra Vouchers For 2010 Clunkers Program – PM

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Tuesday evening the Government will allot starting next week between 40,000 and 50,000 new vouchers for the 2010 clunkers program, as vouchers originally assigned for this year's program have been exhausted in less than one month.

Romania To Assign Extra Funds For 2010 Clunkers Program – Sources

Romania will assign extra funds for the 2010 clunkers program, as the vouchers originally assigned for this year's program have been depleted in less than one month, sources close to the matter told MEDIAFAX Tuesday evening.

Vouchers For Romanian Clunkers Program Traded For RON1700

Vouchers worth 3,800 lei (EUR1=RON4.0923) issued for scrapping cars in the Romanian clunkers program are being traded for around RON1,700, two weeks since the program started.

Romania Scrapped Over 20,200 Old Cars In Two Weeks Under 2010 Clunkers Program

Over 20,200 old cars have been scrapped since February 18 when Romania set off its 2010 clunkers program, accounting for some two thirds of the overall number of cars scrapped in 2009.

Romania PM: Govt To Earmark Extra Funds For 2010 Clunkers Program, If Necessary

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Tuesday said the government has enough financial resources to scrap at least 60,000 used cars in 2010, adding it will earmark extra funds for the 2010 clunkers program, if necessary.

Romanian Environment Min Wants Clunkers Program To Include Public Authorities

Romanian Environment Minister Borbely Laszlo told a press conference Friday that he wants to extend the local clunkers program to include local authorities and institutions, adding he hopes to get the Government to drop the ban on new purchases of vehicles applied to public institutions.

Romania Hopes To Scrap At Least 60,000 Cars In 2010 Clunkers Program

Romania’s government estimates it will scrap at least 60,000 used cars this year within the clunkers program after last year’s program only managed to scrap about half the number of cars planned, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Thursday.

Romania Resumes Clunkers Program For Individuals, Cos As Of Feb 20, 2010

Romanian private individuals and companies can scrap their old cars and get a scrap bonus from the Government to buy new ones as of February 20, 2010 when Romania resumes its clunkers program, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday.

Romanian Clunkers Program To Continue In 2010 – PM

The Romanian Government will continue the clunkers program in 2010, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Tuesday.

Romania’s New Environment Min Promises Clunkers Program Start On Jan 1, ‘10

Romania’s new environment minister, Laszlo Borbely, promised Wednesday upon being sworn in, that the 2010 edition of the Romanian clunkers program will begin on January 1 for cars and “as soon as possible” for tractors.

Romanian Clunkers Program Expansion To Cos Could Boost Mkt By 15-20%

The widening of the Romanian car park renewal program to include companies could lead to a 15%-20% growth in the new car market in 2010, while sales this year will not go beyond 130,000 units, ACAROM president Constantin Stroe told MEDIAFAX.