co2 emissions

Romanian Car Brand Dacia Ranked Fifth In ’10 Regarding CO2 Emissions

Romanian car brand Dacia climbed to the fifth position last year, from the sixth position in 2009, regarding carbon dioxide emissions, according to a research conducted by car consultancy company Jato Dynamics.

Romanians Might Pay Duty On Carbon Dioxide Emissions – Official

Romanians might be compelled to pay a tax on carbon dioxide emissions, and the collected amounts would be further invested in carbon storage units, but the issue won't be approached in the near future, Romanian Economy Ministry secretary of state Tudor Serban said Tuesday.

Romania’s Rompetrol Sues Govt For Lower CO2 Emission Quota

Romania’s second-largest oil company, Rompetrol Group NV sued the Government for assigning an insufficient quota of carbon dioxide, or CO2, emissions, to its Petromidia refinery, compared with the plant’s refining capacity, Rompetrol said Thursday.

EU Received No Formal Notice On Romania CO2 Lawsuit

The European Commission received no formal notification regarding Romania’s legal action over its carbon dioxide national allocation plan for 2008-2012, a spokesperson of EU commissioner for environment, Stavros Dimas, said Tuesday.