
Colliers: Perioada pandemiei, cea mai bună din ultimul deceniu pentru piaţa investiţiilor imobiliare

Peste 60 la sută din investitorii imobiliari confirmă interesul pentru achiziţii de noi proiecte în Bucureşti şi în oraşele regionale şi spun că sunt gata să cumpere în condiţii bune, având în vedere contextul economic generat de pandemia, potrivit unui sondaj Colliers.

Colliers: Bucharest Apartment Prices Slightly Dn M-M In May

The prices of both old and new apartments in Romania's capital city, Bucharest, fell by an average 1% on the month in May, and they were down 10% compared with the beginning of the year, according to a report of real estate company Colliers International.

Romanian Real Estate Mkt Blocked Anyway – Colliers

Romanian real estate market would have unavoidably entered a deadlock due to the lack of correlation between offer and demand, even if there was no financial crunch, real estate consultancy firm Colliers International said Tuesday.