
Lower Chamber Committees Vote To Declassify Judiciary-Secret Service Protocols

The judicial and defense committees of Romania’s Lower Chamber voted on Tuesday to recommend the declassification of a 2005 Defense Council decision which enabled collaboration protocols between judicial bodies and the Romanian Intelligence Service(SRI), as well as all documents signed on its basis.

Romanian Senate Committees Propose New Amendment To Bill Regulating Adoptions

The Romanian Senate committees for labor and legal matters on Tuesday adopted an amendment to a bill regulating adoptions, whereby couples living abroad can adopt a child two years after procedures are started if two requirements are met.

Romanian Parliament Committees Adopt Report On Draft 2011 State Budget

The Romanian Parliament’s budget and finance committees on Sunday adopted with 25 votes in favor and 21 votes against the report on the draft state budget law for 2011.

Romanian Parliament Committees Endorse Proposed Defense Minister

Romania’s Parliament committees for defense Tuesday endorsed proposed Defense Minister Gabriel Oprea with 20 to two votes and one abstention.

Romanian Parliament Committees Endorse Proposed Foreign Minister

Romania’s Parliament committees for foreign policy and European affairs Tuesday endorsed proposed Foreign Affairs Minister Theodor Baconschi with 33 to 15 votes and one abstention.

Romanian Parliament Committees Endorse Proposed Finance Minister

Romania’s Parliament committees for budget and finance Tuesday endorsed proposed Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu with 36 to two votes.

Romanian Parliament Committees Endorse Proposed Interior Minister

Romania’s Parliament committees for public administration, defense and public order Tuesday endorsed proposed Interior Minister Vasile Blaga with 46 to ten votes and four abstentions.

Romanian Parliament Committees Thumb Down Proposed Education Minister

Romania’s Parliament committees for education Thursday thumbed down proposed Education Minister Daniel Funeriu with 21 to 15 votes.

Romanian MPs Approve Nomination Of Deputy Prime Minister

The joined foreign affairs and economic committees of Romania’s Parliament approved Saturday the nomination of social democrat Dan Nica for Deputy Prime Minister.