
Romanian Supreme Court Rules Conservative Leader Voiculescu Secret Police Collaborator

Romania's Supreme Court issued a final ruling Thursday, whereby former Conservative Party president Dan Voiculescu collaborated with the Securitate, the communist regime's secret police.

Romania PM: Disbanded Govt-Run Agencies Only Perpetuated A Communist Mentality

Romanian Premier Emil Boc said Saturday that several government agencies, recently disbanded, only "perpetuated a system of connections and kinship relations inherited from the communist era," arguing the unitary pay law in the public sector replaces 39 laws that kept alive a communist mentality.

Romanian Intellectuals Urge President Not To Bless A Coalition Govt With Social Democrats

Several Romanian intellectuals sent a letter to President Traian Basescu, asking him not to give his consent to an alliance formed with the Social Democratic Party, formed of ex communists, and to think hard before making a decision that could send Romania 20 years back.

Romanian Prosecutors’ Office Closes File On Communist Police Crimes And Abuse

Romania’s General Prosecutors’ Office closed the file on the crimes and abuse committed by Romania’s communist, in which 67 former activists, psychiatrists and police employees had been indicted. Prosecutors said the file had passed its statute of limitations.

Top Communist-Era General Wants 15 Yr Jail Term Lifted

Former high-ranking general Victor Athanasie Stanculescu, sentenced to 15 years in prison Wednesday for his role in the killing of in demonstrators during the 1989 anti-communist revolution, asked that his jail term be lifted.

Romanian Top Communist-Era Generals Sentenced To 15 Years

Romania’s Supreme Court on Wednesday sentenced two former high-ranking generals to 15 years in jail each for their role in killing demonstrators during the 1989 anti-communist revolution.

Romanian Senate Legal Committee Shelters Priests From Communist Hunters

The Romanian Senate's committee for legal matters enacted Tuesday an amendment to the law on access to communist files and completely removed the possibility for priests to be checked by communist hunters CNSAS

Romanian Govt To Nearly Double Indemnities For People Persecuted In Communist Era

Indemnities granted to people who were persecuted on political grounds during the communist regime and those granted to war prisoners and those deported abroad, will be increased 90%, labor minister Paul Pacuraru said Wednesday.

Romania’s Former Political Prisoners To Receive Amnesty, Compensation

Romanians politically convicted during the communist regime will have all criminal consequences erased and will be reinstated, and will also receive the right to moral compensation, based on court decision.

Romanian President Apologizes To Victims Of ‘87 Repressed Anti-Communist Riot

Romania’s president Traian Basescu apologized Thursday in Brasov, central Romania, to the victims of the 1987 repressed anti-communist riot.