
Study: Only 3% Of Total Romanian Companies Are The Engine Of Country’s Economy

Only 3% of total Romanian companies represent the engine of the country’s economy and half of them are in dire straits, according to the third edition of a study by insolvency practitioner Casa de Insolventa Transilvania (CITR) Group regarding the evolution of impact companies between 2013 and 2015.

Orange, Vodafone Romania Have 30 Days To Pay GSM License Extension Fee

The Romanian Government decided mobile operators Orange and Vodafone have a month to transfer EUR6.4 million each to the state budget, or authorities’ decision to extend their GSM licenses, which expired on December 21, will be cancelled.

Romanian State Cos Might Be Again Forced To Transfer 90% Of Profit To State Budget

The Romanian Government wants to force state companies and autonomous departments again to transfer 90% of their profit to the state budget, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX Thursday.

Romanian Cos Allowed Until December 15 To Update General Employee Registry

Romania's Government has pushed the deadline by which companies may register or update the data in the General Registry of Employees (REVISAL) to December 15, 2011.

Romanian Economy Ministry Announces First Cos To Have Private Management

Hidroelectrica, Oltchim, SNLO, Electrica Furnizare and Romarm are the first companies under the authority of the Romanian Economy Ministry to have private management, according to an official announcement.

Around 370,000 Romanian Firms To Send Income Tax Statement Quarterly – PM

Around 370,000 Romanian companies with a turnover of up to EUR100,000 and no more than two employees will send their income tax statement every quarter, instead of every month, said Prime Minister Emil Boc.

IMF: Romania To Sell Large Stakes In Key Energy Companies

Romanian authorities will make the necessary arrangements to sell “significant stakes” in several key energy companies in the coming months, including nuclear power company Nuclearelectrica and gas pipeline operator Transgaz, an official of the International Monetary Fund said Monday.

Romania To Set Up Investment Fund For Profitable SMEs With Cash Problems

Romania's Government will create an investment fund, fed by the National SME Loan Guarantee Fund, the Romanian Counterguarantee Fund and Eximbank, to finance profitable SMEs with temporary cash problems, and will also work out a system to finance small unlisted companies.

Romanian State Co Managers Must Show Performance Or Be Fined, Sacked

Romanian autonomous administrations and state companies will be required to inform the Finance Ministry about their financial indicators, monthly or quarterly, while managers will be fined or sacked if their companies fail to meet certain performance criteria.

Romanian Union Leader: At Least 30,000 State Co Employees To Be Laid Off

Romanian National Union Bloc (BNS) president Dumitru Costin said Friday that IMF officials have stated the main topic on the agenda of their talks with the Government will be the restructuring of state-owned companies, which will involve laying off at least 30,000 employees.

Amended Romanian Public-Private Law Punishes Tender Contestation Losers

Companies will no longer have to provide a 2% guarantee in order to contest a Romanian tender for a public-private partnership contract, but a guarantee of 1% of the contract's estimated value will be a condition for participation.

Romania To Relax Accounting Rules For Cos With Sales Below EUR35000

Any graduate of university economic studies will be allowed to do accounting for Romanian companies with sales and assets below EUR35,000, says a draft emergency ordinance amending the law on accounting, obtained by MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Cos May Pay Debts To State In Installments Over Five Years

Romanian companies will be able to pay their debts to the state in installments over five years, without overdue penalties, as per a facility to be introduced through a government ordinance, said tax authority ANAF official Mihai Gogancea-Vatasoiu.

Romanian Govt Rejects Rail Co CFR Marfa’s 2011 Budget Over Forecast Losses

Romania's Government on Wednesday approved the budgets of several state-run companies, but rejected that of rail cargo carrier CFR Marfa, with Prime Minister Emil Boc arguing that a budget's first draft shouldn't forecast losses, but at most zero profit.

Dacia, Nokia, Petrom, Rompetrol, Romania’s Top Exporters In 2010

Romanian carmaker Automobile Dacia, the Romanian unit of Finnish mobile giant Nokia, oil company OMV Petrom and oil refinery Rompetrol Rafinare were the country’s top exporters in 2010 both in the European Union and outside the EU, the Economy Ministry said Friday.

Romanian PM Asks Cabinet For Solutions To State-Run Cos’ Arrears – Sources

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc gave the ministers of Finance, Transports, Economy and Justice, as well as the president of revenue service ANAF, one week to find ways to reduce the arrears of state-owned companies.

Monitored Romanian Cos’ Budget Debts Up 34% In 2010, At RON6.86B

The debts to the state budget of the Romanian state-run companies monitored by the International Monetary Fund rose 34% in 2010, at 6.86 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2609), with the highest debtor remaining hard coal mining company CNH, followed by railway company CFR.

Romania To List State-Owned Cos Stock In 2H, 2011

The listing of 15% stakes in Romanian state-owned companies Transelectrica (TEL.RO), Transgaz (TGN.RO) and Romgaz, is set for the second half of this year, according to an economy ministry document obtained by MEDIAFAX.

Companies Established Outside Romania May Request 2009 VAT Refund By March 31, 2011

The deadline for the submission of VAT refund requests for 2009 by taxable companies, which are not established or registered for this purpose in Romania, has been extended to March 31 next year, from September 30 this year, through a Government Decision.

Romanian Micro-Cos May Pay 16% Profit Tax Or 3% Income Tax – Govt Decision

Romanian micro-companies will be able to opt between paying a 16% tax on profit, and a 3% tax on income, according to an amendment to the Fiscal Code adopted Thursday by the Government.

Romanian Govt Approved Norms On The Application Of Public-Private Partnership Law – PM

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Sunday on ProTV that the Government has approved the norms for the application of the public-private partnership law, which he said creates the framework for the attraction of domestic and foreign investments.

Employers In Romania To File Single Online Tax Form As Of 2011

Companies will be able, starting next year, to pay social security contributions and income taxes through a single statement, submitted online to the National Fiscal Administration Agency (ANAF), Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc announced Wednesday.

EXCLUSIVE: Romanian State-Run Cos Must Freeze Employment, Limit Wage Spending In ‘11 – Draft Budget

Romanian state-run companies and autonomous departments are compelled to freeze hiring next year so they do not exceed the number of employees allowed for 2010, according to the final form of the country’s 2011 draft state budget, obtained by MEDIAFAX.

Romania Govt Reconsiders Lump Sum Tax – Sources

Romania's Government has reconsidered plans to levy a lump sum tax on companies as of 2011 and is contemplating the reintroduction of a 3% income tax for micro-companies, people familiar with the matter told MEDIAFAX Friday.

Romanian Top-100 Cos Post Overall Sales Of EUR46.27B In ‘09

The top-100 companies with respect for turnover posted overall sales of EUR46.27 billion last year, 20% less than in 2008, while the overall pretax profit decreased by 45%, to EUR1.48 billion, according to a report compiled by FinMedia.

Romanian Economy Ministry-Owned Cos Met Budget Targets – IMF

The three companies controlled by the Romanian Economy Ministry under monitoring by the International Monetary Fund have met the personnel spending targets established, said Thursday Mihai Tanasescu, Romania's representative to the IMF.

One Third Of Romanian Companies Have Cash Flow Problems – Survey

More than one third of Romanian companies have had cash flow problems due to customer default or payment delays, a survey from EOS Group showed Tuesday.

Romanian Transport Ministry Plans To Sack About 8,300 Railway Sector Employees

Romania’s Transport Ministry plans to sack between 7,100 and 8,300 employees of state-owned railway companies, and layoffs mainly target employees with freight railway company CFR Marfa (between 3,400 and 4,600 people).

Romanian State-Owned Cos To Donate Unused Funds To State Budget

Romanian state-owned energy companies Electrica and Romgaz will donate 400 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2404) each to the state budget, while the Lottery will donate RON74 million, according to the draft of the first budget revision this year obtained by MEDIAFAX.

One Third Of Romanians Want To Be Self-Employed Within Next 10 Years – PwC Study

Almost a third of Romanians say they wish to start their own business in the next decade, significantly above the global average, while 40% would like to enjoy a better work-life balance, according to a study by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) called “Managing Tomorrow's People”.

Romania Engages To Raise Tariffs Of 10 Largest Loss-Making Public Cos

Romania’s government promised the International Monetary Fund to raise the tariffs of the 10 largest loss-making state-run companies, inclusively passenger rail company CFR Calatori, electricity producer Termoelectrica and subway company Metrorex.

Number Of Suspended Romanian Cos Falls In 1H

The number of Romanian companies that temporarily suspended activity in the first six months this year halved, to 42,417 from 80,646 in the same interval of the previous year, according to data from the national trade registry.

No. Of Romanian Business Owners In Italy Rose Nearly Ten Times In 2003- 2009 Interval

The number of Romanians running businesses in Italy is nearly ten times higher compared to 2003 and exceeded 28,000 in 2009, according to a research report presented Thursday by confederation Caritas Romania, which also says Romanians are the second largest group of foreign entrepreneurs in Italy.

Romania Govt Ups State Cos’ Budget Contribution To 90% Of Tax On Profit

Romania’s government Wednesday raised the amount state-run companies and self-managed boards are required to contribute from their profits to the state budget to 90% from 50% previously, Prime Minister Emil Boc said.

Romanian Cos Estimate Moderate Employment Increase Btw July-Sept – Poll

Romanian employers estimate that employment will register a moderate increase in the third quarter of 2010, after five consecutive quarters of negative forecasts, according to a poll conducted by human resources company Manpower.

High Salaries Of Employees Within Certain State-Run Cos To Be Capped – PM

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc Monday told lawmakers that employees of certain state-owned companies, who earn high salaries, will have their wages capped, in solidarity with state employees affected by the austerity plan for which the Government seeks a vote of confidence.

Some 1,600 Romanian Companies Entered Insolvency In April

A total number of 1,597 Romanian companies entered insolvency in April this year, 26% less than in the previous month, according to data from local trade registry ONRC.

Romania’s Govt To Guarantee Loans Of Pvt Cos For Co-Financing EU-Funded Projects – PM

Romania’s Government will guarantee loans contracted by private companies for the co-financing of several projects backed from European Union funds, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Sunday.

Romania Pledges Cos Under IMF Monitoring Will Cut Arrears By 2.5%

Romania’s Government pledged during negotiations with the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission that each of the ten state-owned companies under monitoring will reduce arrears by 2.5% each quarter, starting with July-September period.

Romanian Cos’ Budget Debts Rise To RON18.7B End-March

Romanian companies’ debts to the consolidated budget rose 8.5% in the first quarter, at 18.69 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.1641), most of them being unpaid obligations to the state budget, according to additional letter of intent to the agreement sealed with the International Monetary Fund.