conservative party

Romanian Conservatives To Rally Against Gay Parade

The Romanian Conservative Party is against the organization of gay parade GayFest, considering the perpetuation of such conducts in Romania as inappropriate, said ceonservative MP Vlad Hogea, announcing that the party will protest Sunday in a rally defending traditional values.

Romania Former WBO World Champ Mihai Leu Runs For Hunedoara Mayoralty

Romania’s Conservative Party on Thursday will present the candidacy of member Mihai Leu, former WBO World Champion, for mayor position in Hunedoara municipality, western country.

Romanian Conservative Party Pres To Remain In Office Until January 20, ‘08

Romanian Conservative Party president Dan Voiculescu, announced in a press conference Thursday that he would call the party congress for January 20, 2008. New party leadership would be elected in the congress, while Voiculescu said he does not plan to run for the position of party president.