
Un pas înainte spre UE pentru Republica Moldova: Maia Sandu anunţă că referendumul privind aderarea la UE este constituţional

Curtea Constituţională a decis: referendumul privind aderarea Republicii Moldova la UE este constituţional şi va avea loc în octombrie, a anunţat, marţi, preşedintele Republicii Maia Sandu.

Romanian Constitutional Court Decides Nov 22 Referendum Was Legitimate

The Romanian Constitutional Court dejected Thursday the complaint filed by NGOs against the organization procedure for the referendum held on November 22, as judges decided the referendum was legal.

Romanian Constitutional Court Declares Opposition’s No-Confidence Motion Constitutional

Romania’s Constitutional Court on Monday decided unanimously that the no-confidence motion submitted by the opposition in Parliament is constitutional, and rejected the democrat liberals’ notification on the unconstitutionality of the motion.

Romanian Public Sector Staff Given Choice Between Cash Or Card At Wage Collection

Romanian public sector employees will have the possibility to choose between receiving their wages on a bank card or cash, based on a draft law approved Wednesday by the Government and sent to Parliament with urgency.

Romanian Liberals To Challenge Govt’s Law Packs In Constitutional Court

Romanian liberal MPs found unconstitutional elements in the three draft laws for which the government intends to take responsibility, and a group coordinated by liberal Teodor Melescanu will formulate the challenge.

Romanian Constitutional Court Sees No Legal Conflict Btw Govt, CSM

The Romanian Constitutional Court noted Wednesday that the aspects notified by the High Council of Magistrates (CSM) do not fit within the parameters of a legal conflict of constitutional nature.

Romanian Liberals To Challenge Senate Head’s CSAT Vice Presidency

The Romanian National Liberal Party will challenge, at the Constitutional Court, Government Emergency Ordinance 224 allowing Senate president Mircea Geoana to become vice president of the High Council for National Defense, said liberal MP George Scutaru.

Romanian Loteria I Tax Evasion Case Files Sent To Constitutional Court

The Romanian Supreme Court allowed the request for the suspension of the case Loteria I, where businessman George Copos is on trial for tax evasion, and sent the case to the Constitutional Court, as lawyers raised an exception on jurisdiction should the defendant change status.

Romanian Govt To Issue Draft Law Banning Pension-Wage Cumulus

The Romanian Government will push a draft law banning the cumulation of pension with salary in the public sector, a normative act to be debated with urgency in Parliament, Prime Minister Emil Boc announced.

Romanian Pension-Wage Decree Declared Unconstitutional

The Romanian Constitutional Court decided Thursday, with a majority of votes, that the provisions of Government Emergency Ordinance 230/2008, banning cumulated pensions and wages in the public sector, are unconstitutional, thus allowing the exception raised by the ombudsman.

Bucharest Court Of Appeals Notifies Constitutional Court On Uninominal Constituency Ordinance

The Bucharest Court of Appeal approved Tuesday the Greater Romania Party's request to notify the Constitutional Court on the legality of several texts within Government Ordinance no. 66 and 97 in 2008.

Romanian Constitutional Court Overrides Senate On Prosecutor Appointment Issue

The Romanian Constitutional Court decided Wednesday, with a majority of votes, that the amendments brought to the law governing the High Council of the Magistrates regarding the appointment of chief prosecutors, are unconstitutional.

Romania’s Court Of Accounts Law Deemed Constitutional

Romania’s Constitutional Court unanimously decided Wednesday that the Law 94/1992 on the organization and functioning of the Court of Accounts is constitutional, rejecting the intimations of several deputies who claimed certain texts of the law sent for promulgation were taken out or introduced.

Bucharest Court Suspends Voiculescu vs CNSAS Trial Pending Constitutionality Verdict

The Bucharest Court decided Thursday to suspend the trial where media mogul and politician Dan Voiculescu challenged a decision issued by the National College for the Study of Securitate Archives (CNSAS), which said he collaborated with the former Securitate.