
Romania Dec ‘10 Construction Output Rises At Fastest Pace In EU

Romania's construction output rose 17.6% on the month in December 2010, the highest increase in the European Union, official data showed Thursday.

Romanian Tourism Min Pleads For Complete Privatization Of Tourism, Better Services

Romanian Regional Development and Tourism Minister Elena Udrea said Friday that hotels on the Romanian coastline apply prices similar to those in Greece, but the quality of services is not at the same level, while Bulgaria offer smaller prices.

Romanian Construction Workers Number Seen Further Dn In ’10

The number of employees in the constructions sector fell by 70,000 last year, at 350,000 employees, and is further seen decreasing in 2010, according to the Romanian Constructions Entrepreneurs Association ARACO.

Romania’s 3Q Finished Dwellings At 14,669, Up 259 Units YY

Romania's finished dwellings were at 14,669 in the third quarter of 2009, up by 259 units compared with the same period a year before, the National Institute for Statistics said Friday.

Romania To Urge IMF, EC To Double State Guarantee Cap – PM

Romania will urge the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Commission (EC) to double the state guarantee ceiling, currently set at EUR1.4 billion, in order to extend the mechanism in agriculture and at the level of local administration, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Saturday.

„First House” Program Should Aim At New Constructions – Romanian ACC Producers

Romania’s “First House” program should aim at new constructions, started in 2009, and it should also finance the own building, according to the autoclaved concrete ACC producers’ association.

Romanian 1Q Residential Constr Dn By 306 To 10,595 Units

The number of residential constructions completed in the first three months of 2009 fell by 306 units on the year, at 10,595 units, the National Statistical Institute, or INS, said Tuesday.

Romanian Constr Mkt Won’t Collapse, Invest Continue – Ctrl Bker

The Romanian constructions sector will not collapse, as the private investments will continue and new ones will be launched, central bank governor Mugur Isarescu said Friday.

Romanian Fin Min: New Lump Sum Tax Not Applied In Construction Sectoror

Romanian Finance Minister Gheorghe Pogea said Wednesday the Government would not apply the lump sum tax to companies in the construction sector, as the sector needs additional incentives.

Two Construction Cos In C Romania To Scrap Nearly 1,000 Jobs Citing Intl Crisis

Romanian construction company Concefa and construction material trader Ambient, based in Sibiu, central Romania, notified the local labor inspectorate and employment agency they will start laying off nearly 1,000 people starting November, citing the international crisis and lack of activity.

Holcim Romania: Constructions To Grow At A Slower Pace In 2009, On Fincl Crisis

The construction sector will grow by 10-15% in 2008, but it will temper its pace in 2009, due to the financial crisis and the change of lending conditions, Markus Wirth, cement producer Holcim Romania’s general manager, told MEDIAFAX on Monday.

Romania’s Jun Construction Works Up 19% M-M

Romania's constructions works were up 19% in real terms in June compared with May 2008 and were also up 33.9% on the year, the National Institute for Statistics said Wednesday.

Romania’s 1H Residential Building Permits Up 12.9% On Yr

Romania issued 29,394 building permits for residential projects in the first half of the year, up 12.9% on the year, the country’s statistical board INS said Tuesday.

Romania’s Housing Min Says Construction Sector Boosts Econ Growth

Romania’s minister of development, public works and housing, Laszlo Borbely, said Thursday Romania ranks second among EU countries in terms of economic growth, stressing the construction sector currently represents the main factor driving the country’s gross domestic product up.

Romanian Construction Mkt To See Record Growth Until 2010 – Report

Romania’s construction sector rose 33.6% last year, to EUR15 billion, and will see record figures in the next two, three years, driven by the improving economic situation and EU accession, according to a report of Polish publishing, consulting and market research company PMR.

Romanian Construction Mkt Seen Up 35% This Year, To EUR14B

The Romanian construction market is seen increasing 35% this year to EUR14 billion, fueled by EU structural funds and investments in infrastructure, according to data of the Romanian Association of Construction Entrepreneurs, cited by Arad-based Contor Group.

Romanian Constr Mkt 170,000 Workers Short – Official

Romania’s construction market is 170,000 workers short and the numbers are seen rising, the Romanian Association of Construction Entrepreneurs, or ARACO, said Tuesday.