
Romania Cannot Reduce Social Security Contributions In 2011 – President

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Saturday that, in his opinion, it is impossible to reduce social security contribution rates in 2011.

IMF: Romania May Reduce Social Security Taxes If It Guarantees Budget Gap Below 3% In 2012

Romania may reduce the social security taxes paid by employers only if there are guarantees that it can achieve the fiscal targets of 2011 and 2012, when the budget deficit must drop below 3% of the GDP, said people close to the talks between the IMF and Romanian authorities.

Salaries Won In Court Subject To Social Security Taxes – Amended Romanian Fiscal Code

Salaries awarded through court rulings and the wage earned by the president of a homeowners' association will be included in the gross income and will be subject to social security taxes, under Romania's Fiscal Code, as amended by the Government.

Romanian Local Health Insurance Houses To Get 60% Of Local Healthcare Contributions

Romania’s Government Tuesday approved an emergency decree directing 60% of the money collected as healthcare contributions to local county health insurance houses and the difference will be used to cover medical services in certain counties and investments for health insurance houses.

Romanian Govt To Levy Tax On Employee Bonuses Higher Than RON150

Bonuses paid by employers in Romania to their employees for Christmas, Easter or International Women’s Day (March 8), which exceed 150 lei (EUR1=RON4.2762) will be counted for the purposes of social security contributions, according to a draft Government Ordinance.

Romania Keeps Pvt Pension Contribution At 2.5% Till Yearend, Raises It At 3% In 2011

Romanians’ contributions to the mandatory private pension system (Pillar II) will b kept at 2.5% of their gross wage until the end of the year and will rise to 3% in 2011, Cornelia Coman, vice-president of the country’s association for private pensions APAPR, said Friday.

Several Pension Fund Managers To Withdraw From Mkt If Pvt Pension Contributions Reduced – Assoc

Lowering Romanians’ contributions to mandatory private pension funds (Pillar II) might cause several fund administrators to withdraw from the market, as shareholders of pension administrators will not sustain a business without being certain they will recover investments in a reasonable period.

Lowering Pvt Pension Contributions Pushes System Into Bankruptcy – Association

Lowering Romanians’ contributions to mandatory private pension funds (Pillar II) means “willingly” pushing into bankruptcy both pension fund administrators and their five million private pension contributors, Crinu Andanut, head of private pension association APAPR, said Wednesday.

Romanians’ Pvt Pension Contributions Increased To 2.5% As Of Feb – Pension House Head

Romanians’ contributions to mandatory private pensions will grow by 0.5% as of February to reach 2.5%, National Pension House (CNPAS) president Doina Parcalabu said Tuesday.

Around 30% Of Romanian Public Pension Contributors Earn Less Than RON800

Around 30% of Romanian contributors to the public pension system earn less than 800 lei (EUR1=RON4.1054), and about one million of them are registered as earning less than RON600, National Pension House (CNPAS) president Doina Parcalabu said Tuesday.

Romania Defers Health Insurance Contribution Payments For Non-Taxable Pensions Until 2011

Romania’s government decided to postpone until January 1, 2011 the payment from the state budget of health insurance contributions for retirees with pensions lower than 1,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.1997).

Romania Social Security Contributions Kept In 2010 At This Year’s Level

Social security contributions in Romania will be kept in 2010 at this year’s level, for both employers and employees, and law-regulated loans that can be contracted from the social security budget by authorized individuals will be kept at 1.5 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2268) in 2010.

Romanians’ Mandatory Private Pension Constributions Set At 2.5% In 2010 – Regulator

Romanians' contributions to mandatory private pensions (Pillar II) will increase by half a percentage point in 2010, to 2.5% of the contributor's gross wage, the vice-president of the country's private pension system regulator CSSPP, Ion Giurescu, said Wednesday.

Romanians’ Contributions To Mandatory Pvt Pensions Should Be Sped Up, Not Blocked – Assoc

Romania’s mandatory private pension system (Pillar II) has all the elements to benefit participants and contributions shouldn’t be “cut” but sped up, to ensure decent private pensions, said Thursday Mihai Bobocea, secretary general of Romania’s Association for Private Pensions.

Keeping Contribution To Romanian Pvt Pension Funds At 2% In ‘09 Lowers Contributions By EUR80M

Keeping contributions to the Romanian mandatory private pension system at 2% of contributors’ gross income this year will lower by over EUR80 million the sum that should have been transferred to the accounts of over 4 million private pension fund contributors.

Romanian Clubs Get EUR1.26M UEFA Contributions

Romanian football clubs will receive the total sum of EUR1,260,382 within the indemnities mentioned for placing players at the disposal of the national teams, according to an announcement made Thursday by UEFA.