
J. P. Gaultier Demands EUR760,000 Reparations From Romanian Company For Fake Perfumes

Fashion designer Jean Paul Gaultier demands EUR760,000 in reparations from a company in Romanian city Sibiu, which introduced into the country and was about to sell over 19,000 bottles of perfume, marked with the official insignia of the company, but which turned out to be counterfeit.

Romanian Police Checks Seven Universities, Seizes Suspicious Graduation Files

Cops seized Tuesday, from seven Romanian universities, including the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" police academy, graduation files suspected of being forged, sourses within the Bucharest District 4 Court told MEDIAFAX.

Two Busted With Counterfeit Money In Western Romania

Two young men were caught red-handed Wednesday in Romania’s western city of Oradea, as they were trying to launch counterfeit bills of RON100.