court of appeals

Bucharest Court Of Appeals Rules Conservative Voiculescu Secret Police Collaborator

The Bucharest Court of Appeals ruled Friday that former leader of the Conservative Party Dan Voiculescu collaborated with the Secret Police (Securitate) during the communist regime.

Romanian NGOs Challenge Legality Of Referendum Before Constitutional Court

Romanian NGOs “Pro Democratia” and the Press Monitoring Agency (AMP) filed a complaint with the Constitutional Court against the referendum held Sunday, November 22.

Romanian Politician Nati Meir Remains In Custody – Court Of Appeals

The Bucharest Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday that Romanian politician Nati Meir is to remain in custody for 29 days under charges of forgery, possession and circulation of forged currency, upholding the previous ruling of the Bucharest Court.

Bucharest Appeals Court Ruled Interior Ministry Scandal Protagonists To Be Tried At Large

The Bucharest Court of Appeals decided Wednesday night that former Interior Ministry secret service head Cornel Serban, head of operations with the ministry’s General Anticorruption Department Petre Pitcovici and businessman Gabriel Puiu Popoviciu will be tried at large but can’t leave the country.

Romanian Businessman Dinu Patriciu Wins Trial Against Intelligence Service

The Bucharest Court of Appeals maintained the decision of a lower court which obligated the Romanian Intelligence Services to pay businessman Dinu Patriciu moral damages for illegal tapping.

Bucharest Court Of Appeals To Try NGO Suit On Car Tax On Jan 20, ‘09

The Bucharest Court of Appeals set the debate on the annulment and on the suspension of the Government Emergency Ordinance tripling the tax on used cars for January 20, after rejecting the request filed by non-government organization Civil Society Commissariat to solve the case sooner.

Romanian Court Rules To Keep Govt Decision Setting Election Constituencies

The government decision setting uninominal constituencies for Romania’s upcoming general election stays in effect, according to a ruling of the Bucharest Court of Appeals Thursday.