criminal procedure code

Romanian Senate Passes Criminal Procedure Code Bill

Romania’s Senate passed on Monday a revised version of the bill amending the country’s criminal procedure code, with several changes made in accordance with a Constitutional Court ruling on the initiative.

Judicial Committee Chairman: Revised Criminal Procedure Code Bill To Be Passed By Christmas

The chairman of the Romanian Parliament’s committee tasked with amending the country’s judicial laws, Florin Iordache, announced that lawmakers will pass a controversial Criminal Procedure Code bill again by Christmas, after previous attempts were ultimately rebutted by the Constitutional Court.

Romanian Govt To Assume Responsibility For Criminal, Civil Codes In May – Democrat Liberal VP

Romania's Government plans to assume responsibility for the four legal codes in May, and the Parliament will set up two commissions to analyze them on Tuesday, while debates on three of the codes start in the government Tuesday, said vice-president of the Democratic Liberal Party, Gheorghe Flutur.

EU Could Activate Safeguard Clause On Justice In Romania – Official

Romanian EU Commissioner Leonard Orban told a news conference Monday that, in theory, the Union could activate the safeguard clause on Romania in the field of justice, but added he hopes the country registers significant progress in the upcoming months to avoid such measures.

Romanian Journalists Not Liable For Footage Disclosure

The Legal Committee of Romanian Senate on Wednesday approved an amendment to the Criminal Procedure Code which absolves journalists from criminal responsibility over disclosed audio and video recordings.

Romania’s Pres Urges Lawmakers To Re-Examine Law On Criminal Procedure Code

Romania‘s President Traian Basescu said Tuesday that he submitted to the lawmakers the request to re-examine the law approving Government emergency Ordinance 60/2006 amending the Criminal Procedure Code and other laws.

Romania’s Public Ministry Defends Judiciaries’ Prerogatives

In the light of recent amendments to both the criminal procedure code and the criminal code, Romania’s Public Ministry informed Thursday the Ministry of Justice that these amendments simply restrain the prerogatives of the judiciaries affecting their activity.