
Romania’s 2010 Wheat Output Nearly Compromised By Heavy Rainfall

Romania’s wheat output will drop to less than half the output forecast at the beginning of the year because of heavy rainfall during the past weeks, which has compromised crops, Nicolae Sitaru, head of Farmers’ League (LAPAR), told MEDIAFAX Tuesday.

Romanian Govt Assigns EUR420M To Agr, RON600M For Autumn Crops

The Romanian Government approved EUR420 million in Treasury loan for agriculture programs and other 600 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2186) for autumn’s crops, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Saturday after the Government meeting.

Drought, Frost Damaged Over One Seventh Of Romanian Crops

Droughts and freezing have damaged over one million hectares of crops in fall and spring, from a total surface of seven million hectares, said Wednesday agriculture minister Ilie Sarbu.