
Romanian Govt Cuts Over 600 Jobs In Public Culture System

Romania's Culture Ministry will cut 600 jobs in public culture institutions, as well as one vacant state secretary position in its central apparatus, as per decisions adopted in the Government's Wednesday meeting, said minister Hunor Kelemen.

Romanian Theater Festival Organizers Call On Govt To Rediscuss Culture Ministry Budget

Organizers of Romania’s annual National Theater Festival call on the government, in an open letter, to rediscuss the budget of the ministry of Culture as the festival is close to being canceled after its budget was cut down by 78%.

Romania Culture Min Promises Amendments To Controversial Showbiz Law

Romanian culture minister Theodor Paleologu promised culture unionists who protested in front of the Ministry that he will initiate a new government decision promoting the methodological norms for the application of Law 353/2007, which were negotiated between the unions and the minister last year.

Romanian Gov Coalition Discussed Decentralizing Measures In Education, Police, Healthcare, Culture, Sports

Romanian deputy prime minister Dan Nica said Monday leaders of the governing coalition discussed decentralization measures and set a calendar for sectors such as education, police, healthcare, agriculture, culture and sports.

Romanian Culture Ministry Considers To Options To Exploit Castle Bran

Romania’s Ministry of Culture considers two variants to exploit Castle Bran, that of a public-private partnership or the castle’s acquisition by the state, culture minister Theodor Paleologu said Thursday.

Romanian Culture Min To Launch Seven Financing Programs In ’09

The Romanian Ministry of Culture, Cults and National Patrimony will launch in 2009 seven cultural programs of non-reimbursable financing - Promocult, Dialog Intercultural, Creativitas, Latinitas, Proetnicultura, Rromi împreună pentru Europa and Glissando, according to the institution’s website.

New Romanian Govt Pledges To Protect National Cultural Patrimony

The next Romanian government aims to halt the degradation of the national cultural patrimony, as well as to restore, protect and promote this patrimony through the development of integrated projects and of cultural cooperation networks.

Romanian Culture Ministry Seeks Special Protection For Dacian Fortresses

Romania’s Ministry of Culture plans to include six Dacian fortresses located in Orastiei Mountains, central western region, in a special preservation program meant to eliminate degradation risks, according to a draft ordinance of the ministry.

Romanian Performers’ Monthly Salary Could Reach Up To RON4,200

Romanian performers will see increased salaries this year, of up to 4,200 lei (EUR1=RON3.6612) compared to the current maximum of RON1,500, state secretary in the Ministry of Culture Demeter Andras told a news conference Tuesday.

Macedonia Hosts Romanian Cultural Week

The first edition of the Romanian Cultural Week hosted by Macedonia will take place in Skopje and Bitola on November 12-19, reported.