
Romanian Lower Chamber’s Special Committees OK Public Sector Pension-Wage Cumulus

The Romanian Chamber of Deputies’ committee for budget and finance and the labor committee on Tuesday approved the draft law proposed by opposition liberals, which eliminates the interdiction to cumulate pensions and wages in the public sector, said labor committee head Victor Paul Dobre.

Romanian Ban On Pension-Wage Cumulus May Be Lifted On Jan 1, ‘11

Romanian Labor Minister Mihai Seitan said Wednesday in the Senate labor committee that the ban on the pension – wage cumulus may be lifted on January 1, 2011, adding this measure “was not imposed forever”.

Romanian Pensioners Face 15-Day Deadline In Pension-Wage Choice

Romanian pensioners that are working in the public sector will have to choose between suspending pension while they are still employed and ceasing work, if the pension is higher than the gross average salary.

Romanian Govt Sets Nearly RON1,700 Threshold For Public Sector Pension-Wage Cumulus

The Romanian government decided in its meeting Wednesday to allow the cumulation of pensions with salaries in the public sector only for people whose pensions amount to nearly 1,700 lei (EUR1=RON4.2329), official sources told Mediafax.

Romanian PM Adviser Names Categories Allowed To Have Pension-Wage Cumulus

The ceiling equal to the average gross wage which bans cumulating pensions and salaries in the public sector will not be applicable to people appointed to public offices, said prime ministerial adviser Mihai Seitan Thursday.