
Inventatorul funcţiilor ”Copy” / ”Paste” a murit la 74 de ani. A lucrat pentru trei dintre cele mai mari companii tech din lume şi era specializat în domeniul inteligenţei artificiale

Larry Tesler, inventatorul funcţiilor ”Cut”, ”Copy” şi ”Paste”, a murit la vârsta de 74 de ani. Nu este la fel de cunoscut precum Bill Gates sau Steve Jobs, însă a avut o contribuţie uriaşă în ce priveşte dezvoltarea computerelor şi transformarea lor în dispozitive accesbile oricui, nu doar oamenilor de ştiinţă. Larry Tesler s-a născut […]

Romanian Govt To Cut Almost 5200 Jobs At Finance Ministry

The Romanian Government will reduce the number of jobs in the Ministry of Public Finance by 14%, or 5,175, more than 95% of which will be eliminated from revenue service ANAF, according to a draft decision.

IMF Confident Romania Won’t Enact Income Tax Cut

The International Monetary Fund Wednesday expressed concerns over Romanian Senate’s recent vote to lower the income tax rate to 10% from 16%, saying it expects the authorities will ensure the “unfunded” tax cut will not be enacted.

Romanian Govt Eyes New Social Spending Cut Measures – Working Draft

The Romanian Government plans to eliminate exemptions from the payment of phone and radio-TV subscriptions for war veterans and also to cut allowances for people with disabilities and replace them with fixed sums, according to a Government working draft aimed at cutting social spending.

Romanian Intelligence Services, Police, Army Employees Also Targeted By 25% Wage Cut

Romania’s Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu on Tuesday said the wages of the employees with the Romanian Intelligence Service, the Foreign Intelligence Service, the Protection and Surveillance Service, the Special Telecommunications Service, the Police and the Army will also be reduced by 25%.

Romania To Cut All Pensions By 15%, Social Pensions Included – Tourism Min

All Romanian pensions will take a 15% cut, although exemptions for social pensions worth 350 lei (EUR1=RON4.1838) did come up during talks with Romania’s President Traian Basescu, the Minister of Regional Development and Tourism Elena Udrea told MEDIAFAX Tuesday.

Romania Fin Min Says 25% Wage Cut Will Be Law-Regulated Like Any Salary Raises So Far

Romania’s Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu said that the recently announced 25% cut in the salaries of public sector employees will be made individually and on the basis of a law, the same way salary raises have been established so far without anybody challenging them in court.

Romania Slashes Child-Rearing Benefits By 25% Starting June 1 – PM Adviser

Romania’s Labor Ministry has decided to cut 25% of the child-rearing benefit, currently standing at 85% of the parent’s average income for the previous year, starting June 1, Andreea Vass-Paul, economic adviser to Prime Minister Emil Boc, told MEDIAFAX Friday.

Romanian Mothers Protest Monday Over Child-Rearing Benefit Cut

Romanian mothers will stage a protest Monday outside the Labor Ministry, involving babies in prams, diapers and black bands as symbols for the “funeral” set up by the lawmakers’ recently announced decision to cut child-rearing benefits, said a press release Thursday.

Romanian Unions Say IMF Deal Can Be Changed To Allow Only 10% Cut In Public Sector Wages

Unionists believe that Romania’s additional letter of intent to the standby agreement with the IMF can be modified so that pensions will not be slashed and the salaries of public sector employees can be cut only by 10% and only in 2010, not by 25% as announced recently.

Special Pensions In Romania To Be Drastically Slashed As Of June 1 – Draft Decree

Special pensions in Romania will be drastically cut as of June 1, based on a lower pension point and the application of a 90% quota, as "solidarity tax," to the sum left after deducting social contributions and the income tax, according to a draft emergency decree regarding public spending cuts.

Romania Scraps 13th Salary For Public Workers Amid Spending Cuts

Romania will not pay public sector employees a 13th monthly salary this year and the measure will be included in next year’s state budget, according to the Memorandum of Understanding between Romania and the IMF and EU.

Romania’s Foreign Ministry Cut 55 Jobs Amid Financial Restrictions – Minister

Romania’s foreign affairs minister Cristian Diaconescu on Friday said the ministry decided to scrap 55 jobs, in the fallout of financial restrictions, of which, 35 in the diplomatic service, 17 in the technical-administrative service and three jobs at local level, adding job cuts will continue.

Romanian Education Min Reassures Tenured Teachers Won’t Be Laid Off

Romania’s education minister Ecaterina Andronescu on Tuesday said tenured teachers are not all targeted by future layoffs in the education sector, adding only unskilled staff in the sector, whose number amounts to 12,000, will be sacked.

Romania’s Consolidated Budget Rev Cut By RON18.8B, Expenses Cut By RON6.2B

Romania's estimated consolidated budget revenues will be cut by 18.83 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.1893) while expenses will be cut by RON6.28 billion, trough the budget revision and the introduction of new financial-budgetary measures, according to a government document.

No Of Para-Fiscal Taxes Should Be Cut By 30%-35% – Romanian Fin Min

Romanian Finance Minister Gheorghe Pogea said Friday that para-fiscal taxes and fees should be reduced by 30-35% as they are "most of the times” in excess and hinder performances.

Romania’s Rompetrol Cuts Pump Prices By RON0.07/Liter

Romania’s second-largest oil company Rompetrol Group NV will cut Saturday its pump prices by 0.07 lei (EUR1= RON 3.6875) per liter, for the second day in a row, the company said in a statement.

Romania’s Fin Min To Appeal Senate Decision On VAT Cut For Basic Food-PM

Romania’s Ministry of Economy and Finance is to appeal at the Constitutional Court an act adopted by the Senate regarding a 5% cut in the VAT for basic food, as the decision, if adopted, would trigger lower revenues to the budget and would leave food prices unchanged, Premier Calin Popescu Tariceanu said.

Romania Senate OKs 5% VAT Cut For Basic Food

Romania’s senate on Wednesday approved a 5% cut of the value added tax for basic food – bread, meat, milk, vegetal oil and sugar.