
Romanian Accused Of Murder, Attempted Murder In Prague Risks Life Sentence

A Romanian citizen, aged 35, accused of theft, murderattempted murder and physical assault against a student in Prague, risks life sentence, MEDIAFAX said Tuesday.

Romanian Pres Supports Ex-Communist States’ Accession To EU

Romanian president Traian Basescu supports the accession of Balkan states and former soviet states in the EU, but this needs to be done based on the Lisbon Treaty, Prague Chamber of Deputies spokesman Miroslav Vlček told MEDIAFAX.

Several Anti-NATO Militants To Protest In Front Of The Czech Embassy In Romania

Some 20 anti-NATO protesters left Friday, around 18.15 local time, towards the Embassy of the Czech Republic, where they will display a banner written with a message criticizing the Czech Republic’s decision to accept elements of the U.S. missile shield on its territory.