
Romanian Senate To Debate Education Bill Monday

Romania’s Senate will debate the education bill, in the form endorsed by the education committee, in plenary meeting Monday, the Senate’s standing office decided Tuesday.

Romania’s Leftist Opposition Pushes To Get Its Rejected Amendments Back On Pension Bill

Senators of Romania’s leftist Social Democratic Party, in opposition, said they would uphold in plenary all amendments to the pension bill that the Senate’s committee for labor rejected Wednesday.

Romanian Deputies To Debate Draft Lustration Law On April 13 – Chamber Of Deputies Speaker

Romanian Chamber of Deputies Speaker Roberta Anastase said Tuesday debates to adopt the country’s lustration law will be held on April 13 when all amendments to the draft law will be analyzed.

Romanian Ruling Coalition, Opp Parties Argue On ’09 Budget

Romanian senators and deputies with the ruling coalition and the opposition parties in the Parliament's budget and finance commissions argued Friday during the general debates on 2009’s budget draft.

Romanian Deputies Maintain 5% Threshold For Parliament Elections

Romania’s Chamber of Deputies on Tuesday maintained the electoral threshold at 5% or six deputy and three senator mandates for deputies and three for senators, at the debates on the draft law introducing the uninominal voting system for parliament elections.

Romanian Govt Asks Parliament To Resume Automobile Craiova Privatization Law Debates – Sources

The Romanian Government decided to ask the Senate to continue debates on the draft law privatizing car maker Automobile Craiova, which were suspended in October, when the European Commission launched an investigation searching for potential illegal state aid granted to American group Ford.

Romania’s Econ Fin Min Says Min Salary Might Range From RON450 To RON540

The minimum salary might vary between the limit set through the draft law on the 2008 state budget and the value requested by the unions, Romania’s economy and finance minister Varujan Vosganian said Monday.