
CNA: Posturile TV trebuie să protejeze minorii şi demnitatea prin orice mijloace, inclusiv delay-ul

Posturile TV şi radio trebuie să folosească orice mijloace, inclusiv delay-ul, pentru a preveni difuzarea unor scene, expresii şi comportamente care contravin legislaţiei audiovizualului privind protecţia minorilor şi a demnităţii umane, potrivit unei Decizii a CNA, care a fost adoptată joi.

CNA: Posturile TV trebuie să protejeze minorii şi demnitatea prin orice mijloace, inclusiv delay-ul

Posturile TV şi radio trebuie să folosească orice mijloace, inclusiv delay-ul, pentru a preveni difuzarea unor scene, expresii şi comportamente care contravin legislaţiei audiovizualului privind protecţia minorilor şi a demnităţii umane, potrivit unei prevederi a unui proiect de Decizie al CNA.

Romania To Exit Recession With A Six-Month Delay – PM

Romania will emerge from recession behind most other countries, as the crisis hit with a six-month delay, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Thursday.

Trial Of Romanian Graft-Charged Senator Voicu Postponed For September

The trial in which Romanian senator Catalin Voicu, judge Florin Costiniu and businessmen Marius Locic and Costel Casuneanu are charged with corruption has been rescheduled for September, before the Supreme Court ruled whether Voicu was to remain in custody or not.

Plane On W Romanian Airport Delayed Takeoff Over Technical Problems

A Valencia-bound airplane belonging to airline Wizz Air, scheduled for takeoff Wednesday from the Timisoara International Airport in western Romania, remained on the ground after pilots found a technical problem, postponing takeoff for Thursday afternoon.

Govt Can Pay Wages, Pensions Without Delays By End ’09 – Romanian PM

The Romanian Government can pay wages, pensions and social aid until the end of the year without delays, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Saturday on Realitatea TV channel.

Romanian Cos Targeting 6-Mo Budget Debt Payment Delay To Submit Bk/Property Guarantees

The Romanian companies aiming to postpone paying budget debts for a six-month period will be compelled to guarantee the subsequent debt reimbursement through banking and/or real estate letters of guarantee, which need to cover the deferred amounts and any delay penalties.

AC/DC Concert In Romania Cancelled, Bucharest Rock Arena Festival Delayed

Australian band AC/DC will no longer perform in Romania on May 31, part of the Bucharest Rock Arena festival, which was delayed due to organizational problems, representatives of One Event agency, which was supposed to promote Romanian artists in the festival, told MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Carmakers Require Payment Delay For 50% Of Their Due VAT

Allowing car part makers in difficulty to pay half of their due VAT later is a measure that would help the industry, but a decision will be made after an exact assessment of budget revenues, Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Thursday.

Romanian Carmakers Require Payment Delay For 50% Of Their Due VAT

The Association of Romanian Carmakers (ACAROM) asked the government to grant carmakers a delay for the payment of 50% of the value added tax not only for this year, but also for the next.

Romanian Railway Unionists Postpone Protests

Romanian railway unionists affiliated to the Miscare-Comercial Federation on Monday postponed protests, following the commitment taken by the transport minister to approve orders regulating the periodical check-up of railway staff, and the government decree granting funds to infrastructure.

Romania Court Delays Trial on Appeals Of Communist-Era Generals To 15 Yr Jail Term

Romania’s Supreme Court decided Monday to put off until January 26, 2009 the trial of the appeals of former high-ranking generals Athanasie Stanculescu and Mihai Chitac for the annulment of the sentence to 15 years in jail each for their role in killing demonstrators during the 1989 anti-communist revolution.

Romanian Senate Legal Commission Fails To Enact Report On Delay Of Teachers’ Pay Hike

The commission for legal matters in the Romanian Senate failed to adopt a report Tuesday rejecting or approving the government ordinance which puts off a 50% wage increase for staff in education.

Romanian Senate Committees To Debate Teacher Pay Hike Delay Next Week

Romanian Senate secretary Ivan Cismaru told MEDIAFAX Friday that, after publishing in the Official Gazette, the Government Ordinance postponing the increase of salaries in education will be analyzed by the Senate special committees, and the plenary vote will probably be cast on November 10.

Over 160 Passengers On Romanian Airport Await Plane To Take Off For Turkey

Over 160 people bound to fly for Izmir, Turkey, on Monday morning, are currently waiting in the Romanian airport Henri Coanda for the plane which has not landed yet, airport spokesperson Valentin Iordache said.