
Barcelona designated as the first European Capital of Democracy

Barcelona designated as the first European Capital of Democracy

Romania’s 2009 Democracy Score Worsens By 0.1 On Year – Report

International NGO Freedom House lowered Romania’s democracy score from 3.36 in 2008 to 3.46 in 2009, on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is the highest level of democratic progress and 7 the lowest, says the NGOs yearly “Nations in Transit” report issued Wednesday.

Romanian PM Says NATO Needs To Redefine Its Role

The North-Atlantic Alliance finds itself in a crucial moment as it has to make a decision on operations in Afghanistan and on its role in the promotion of stability and Euro-Atlantic values in the Balkans and the Black Sea area, said Romanian Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu.

Freedom House: Romania Retains Its ‘Free’ Status

Romania remains a free country in a world that registered a notable setback for political freedom in 2007, independent Freedom House human rights organization said in its annual report.