
Arafat: Nu va fi transferat personal de la ambulanţă şi UPU/CPU la MAI

Raed Arafat, numit secretar de stat în MAI pentru a conduce Departamentul pentru situaţii de urgenţă, a precizat pentru MEDIAFAX că noua structură va coordona operaţional serviciile de ambulanţă şi unităţile/compartimentele de primiri urgenţe (UPU/CPU), dar angajaţii acestora nu vor fi detaşaţi.

Romanian Interior Min Intelligence Dept Needs New Employees, Not Layoffs – Minister

Romanian interior minister Dan Nica said Friday that there will not be any people fired from the intelligence department within the Ministry of Interior (DGIPI), since there are hundreds of positions vacant and these positions need to be filled.

Romanian U.S. DoD Hacker Has College Education

The Romanian young man accused of having hacked the US Department of Defense servers is a Banks and Financial Markets MBA student within the Economy and Business Management University in northeastern Romanian city Iasi, which prompted a univeristy committee to look at his case.

Transparency International Sets Crosshairs On Romanian Anticorruption Dept

The Romanian unit of Transparency International requested the publishing of the criteria used in the activity analysis applied to the National Anticorruption Department in the past six months of interim leadership, as well as during the three-year mandate of Daniel Morar.