diesel fuel

Romanian Diesel Fuel Prices Grow Because Demand Is High – OMV Petrom

The increase in diesel fuel prices comes from increased demand for this product, as Romania produces less of this fuel than it consumes, Wednesday said Mariana Gheorghe, chief executive officer of oil company OMV Petrom (SNP.RO).

Romanian Farmers Disappointed With Govt Decision Diesel Fuel Excises

The Romanian Farmers’ League (LAPAR) said Friday that the sum allotted by the government to lower excise duties for diesel fuel used in agriculture is insufficient and would not bring about a significant cut fuel prices for farmers.

Romania To Lower Excises For Diesel Fuel Used In Farming By RON0.65/Liter

Romania will lower excise duties for diesel fuel used in agriculture by 0.65 lei (EUR1=RON3.5952) per liter, for a quantity of 48 liters per hectare, agriculture minister Dacian Ciolos said Thursday.