
Foreign Distributors Seek To Buy Cheap Drugs From Romania, Sell Them Elsewhere – Roche

Drug distributors in other countries want to buy drugs from Romania, where prices haven’t been adjusted to the currency exchange rate, to sell them on other markets, said Sunday Dan Zamonea, general manager for drug distributor Roche Romania.

Romanian Medicine Distributors, Importers Demand Imported Drug Price Recalculation

Romanian medicine distributors warned that the situation of imported medicine found on the compensated list and included in the National Programs is not solved, and demanded the immediate recalculation of the price for the mentioned products.

Drug Distributors To Sue Romanian Health Minister

Drug distributors started procedures to sue Romanian health minister Eugen Nicolaescu, who they claim refuses to meet his legal obligations and update drug prices depending on currency exchange rates.

Romanian Medicine Distributors Cease Deliveries, Pharmacies Near Stock-Outs

The National Council of the Romanian Pharmacists’ College announced that medicine distributors halted deliveries as the prices of medicine are struck by the Romanian currency’s depreciation, and medicine stocks are about to be depleted.

Romanian Health Min Says Drugs Could Cost Less

Romanian health minister Eugen Nicolaescu said that despite the conduct of medicine distributors, the prices for medicine might be lowered, because there are ways to hide profit in prices.