e on romania

Ministerul Energiei se opune preluării E.ON România de către MVM: „legături cu Rusia”

Autorităţile române au identificat şase motive majore de îngrijorare. Primul şi cel mai important este existenţa unor legături între compania ungară şi Rusia. De asemenea, există temeri că acţiunile E.ON România ar putea ajunge ulterior la entităţi din afara Uniunii Europene. Un alt aspect sensibil îl reprezintă datele personale a peste 3 milioane de români, […]

E.ON Romania Chief Wants To Meet PM To Talk Tariffs

Gas and energy supplier E.ON Romania Friday said company officials plan to discuss with Prime Minister Emil Boc about increasing tariffs and the situation of energy investors.

E.ON Romania Could Fire 1,700 Staff Over Low Energy Prices

Gas and energy supplier E.ON Romania on Friday said it might have to let go approximately 1,700 staff in 2010 unless the energy regulator allows it to increase tariffs.

E.ON Romania Wants Higher Gas Prices As Of April

Romanian household natural gas prices should be higher as of April 1, and they are less likely to decrease throughout the year, E.ON Romania’s general manager Frank Hajdinjak said Wednesday.